[Machine learning] "Abnormality detection and change detection" Let's draw the figure of Chapter 1 in Python.

Rumor's red book, Machine Learning Professional Series "Anomaly Detection and Change Detection" (http://ide-research.net/book/support.html#kodansha) This is an article about writing the graph in Chapter 1 in Python. ..

Like this, I draw sample accuracy and ROC curve with animation.


The entire code is here [https://github.com/matsuken92/anomaly_detection_change_detection/blob/master/anomal_detection_chap.01.ipynb)

Only simple explanations are given here, so if you want to know more details, please buy the book!

Figure 1.1 Examples of various anomalies in time series data

I generated similar data in Python, not exactly the same data, or searched for and plotted the data. (Especially, it was hard to find the electrocardiogram data [^ 1] ...: sweat_smile :)

[^ 1]: Please note that the abnormal red part is processed, so it is not the correct electrocardiogram data. The URL to get the data is described on GitHub.

anomaly_detection_1.1-compressor.png The entire code that renders this is here

Figure 1.2 Description of anomaly judgment for labeled data

From Fig. 1.2, I tried to visualize the relevance by connecting the anomaly degree and the indicator function and drawing.

  1. Generate data from random numbers that follow two normal distributions, plot blue as normal data and red as abnormal data
  2. Calculate the mean and standard deviation from the histogram in 1. and draw the density function of the normal distribution. (The kernel density estimated from the distribution is also drawn with a dotted line)
  3. \ln p({\bf x}'|y=0,\mathcal{D})-\ln p({\bf x}'|y=1,\mathcal{D})Is drawn separately. 4.Abnormality$a(x') \ln{ p({\bf x}'|y=1,\mathcal{D})\over p({\bf x}'|y=0,\mathcal{D})} $Draw
  4. Draw the indicator function $ I [a (x) \ ge \ tau] $

Furthermore, the branch point threshold is calculated as the point where the value of the density function is the same, and $ \ tau $ in that case is represented by the horizontal bar in the fourth graph.

anomaly_detection_1.2.png The entire code that renders this is here

Python code

#Random number generation
n = 1000
d_0 = rd.normal(135, 18, n)  #Normal data
d_1 = rd.normal(80, 30, n)   #Abnormal data

#Calculation of mean and standard deviation
m_0  = np.mean(d_0)
sd_0 = np.sqrt(np.var(d_0))
m_1  = np.mean(d_1)
sd_1 = np.sqrt(np.var(d_1))

#X-axis data generation
xx = np.linspace(0,300, 5000)

#Normal distribution density function
density_0 = st.norm.pdf(xx, m_0, sd_0)
density_1 = st.norm.pdf(xx, m_1, sd_1)

#Abnormality calculation
abnormaly_score = np.log(density_1) - np.log(density_0)

def balance_position(x_min, x_max, f1, f2, EPS=0.00001):
    if abs(f1(x_max) - f2(x_max)) > EPS:
        center = (x_min + x_max)/2.
        if np.sign(f1(x_max) - f2(x_max)) * np.sign(f1(center) - f2(center)) < 0:
            x_min = center
            x_max = center
        x_max = balance_position(x_min, x_max, f1, f2)
        return x_max
    return x_max
mark = balance_position(0, 200, lambda x:st.norm.pdf(x, m_0, sd_0), lambda x: st.norm.pdf(x, m_1, sd_1)) 
print "mark:", mark

tau_pos = np.argsort(np.abs(xx - mark))[0]
print "tau pos:", tau_pos

tau = abnormaly_score[tau_pos]
print "tau:", tau

tau2_pos = np.max(np.argsort(np.abs(abnormaly_score - tau))[0:2])
print "tau2_pos:",tau2_pos

tau2 = abnormaly_score[tau2_pos]
print "tau2:",tau2

mark2 = xx[tau2_pos]
print "mark2:",mark2

#----------------Drawing process-----------------#
n_row = 5                         #Number of rows in the graph

plt.subplots(n_row, 1, sharex=True,figsize=(12,12)) 
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_row, 1, height_ratios=[3,3,3,3,3])

axs = [plt.subplot(gs[i]) for i in range(n_row) ]
#First area drawing
axs[0].hist(d_1, bins=40, color="r", alpha=0.6, range=(0,300), label="data 1")
axs[0].hist(d_0, bins=40, color="b", alpha=0.6, range=(0,300), label="data 0")

#Second area drawing
axs[1].plot(xx, get_density(d_1, xx), "r--", alpha=.4 , lw=2, label=r"density of data 1")
axs[1].plot(xx, get_density(d_0, xx), "b--", alpha=.4 , lw=2, label=r"density of data 0")
axs[1].plot(xx, density_1, c="r", alpha=.5 )
axs[1].plot(xx, density_0, c="b", alpha=.5 )
axs[1].fill_between(xx[0:tau_pos], density_0[0:tau_pos], color="lightblue", zorder = 500, alpha=.6)
axs[1].plot([mark ,mark],[-100,200], "k--", lw=.5)
axs[1].plot([mark2 ,mark2],[-100,200], "k--", lw=.5)

#Third area drawing
axs[2].plot(xx, -np.log(density_0), c="b", alpha=.5,  label=r"$\ln p({\bf x}'|y=0,\mathcal{D})$")
axs[2].plot(xx,  np.log(density_1), c="r", alpha=.5, label=r"$-\ln p({\bf x}'|y=1,\mathcal{D})$")
axs[2].plot([mark ,mark],[-110,200], "k--", lw=.5)
axs[2].plot([mark2 ,mark2],[-110,200], "k--", lw=.5)
#4th area drawing
axs[3].plot(xx, abnormaly_score, c="purple", alpha=.6, label=r"$$ \ln{ p({\bf x}'|y=1,\mathcal{D})\over  p({\bf x}'|y=0,\mathcal{D})} $$")
axs[3].plot([mark ,mark],[-100,200], "k--", lw=.5)
axs[3].plot([mark2 ,mark2],[-100,200], "k--", lw=.5)
axs[3].plot([0 ,300],[tau, tau], "k", lw=.5)

#Fifth area drawing
axs[4].fill_between(xx[0:tau_pos], np.ones_like(xx[0:tau_pos]), color="blue", zorder = 500, alpha=.6)
axs[4].fill_between(xx[tau2_pos:], np.ones_like(xx[tau2_pos:]), color="blue", zorder = 500, alpha=.6)
axs[4].plot([mark, mark],[-110,200], "k--", lw=.5)
axs[4].plot([mark2, mark2],[-110,200], "k--", lw=.5)
axs[4].text(10, 1.3, r"$I[a(x) \ge \tau]$")

#Fixed range of x in all areas
for ax in axs:


Figure 1.3 Definition of anomalies for unlabeled data

Similar to Figure 1.2, the density function of the normal distribution estimated from the histogram, kernel density, and mean / variance is drawn and the "information amount" is plotted. The degree of anomaly simply increases as the distance from the average of the data increases.

anomaly_detection_002.png The entire code that renders this is here

Python code

#For unlabeled data
#Random number generation
n = 1000
data = rd.normal(80, 15, n)

#Calculation of mean and standard deviation
m  = np.mean(data)
sd = np.sqrt(np.var(data))

#X-axis data generation
xx = np.linspace(0,300, 5000)

#Normal distribution density function
density = st.norm.pdf(xx, m, sd)

#----------------Drawing process-----------------#
n_row = 3                         #Number of rows in the graph
xx = np.linspace(0,300, 5000)     #X-axis data generation

plt.subplots(n_row, 1, sharex=True,figsize=(12,10)) 
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(n_row, 1, height_ratios=[3,3,3])

axs = [plt.subplot(gs[i]) for i in range(n_row) ]

#First area drawing
axs[0].hist(data, bins=50, range=(0,300), label="data: a", color="b", alpha=0.5)

#Second area drawing
axs[1].plot(xx, get_density(data, xx), lw=2, linestyle="--", label="density of the data", color="b", alpha=0.4)
axs[1].plot(xx, density, lw=1, label=r"estimated density of norm dist: $p({\bf x}'|\mathcal{D})$", color="b", alpha=0.5)

#Third area drawing
axs[2].plot(xx, -np.log(density), lw=1, label=r"information:$-\ln p({\bf x}'|\mathcal{D})$", color="b", alpha=0.5)

#Fixed range of x in all areas
for ax in axs:

plt.subplots_adjust( hspace=0)

Figure 1.4, Figure 1.5 Normal sample accuracy, abnormal sample accuracy and ROC curve

I tried to animate the relationship between normal sample accuracy, abnormal sample accuracy and ROC curve. In addition, the details of the ROC curve were previously explained in "[Statistics] What is the ROC curve? ](Http://qiita.com/kenmatsu4/items/550b38f4fa31e9af6f4f) "is also written, so please refer to it.

In this figure, the sample accuracy is shown below.

r_0 = \log(1 + x) \\
r_1 = \log(e -x)

The graph in the second row represents the F value, and the definition is as follows.

f  \equiv { 2r_0 r_1 \over r_0 + r_1 }

Since the ROC curve is $ (X, Y) = (1 --r_0 (\ tau), \ r_1 (\ tau)) $, the y coordinate value of the point that traces the red line uses $ 1-y $. The coordinates are displayed on the animation, and the number on the right side of the two corresponds to this.

ROC_curve2.gif The entire code that renders this is here

Python code

def animate(nframe):
    global num_frame
    sys.stdout.write(str(int(float(nframe)/num_frame*100)) + "%, ") 
    #Minimum and maximum values of x
    xmin = 0
    xmax = np.e -1

    #Number of divisions of x
    sx = num_frame * 2

    #present location
    pos = nframe * 2

    #x-axis generation
    xx = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, sx)

    #Specimen accuracy
    cx1 = np.log(1+xx)
    cx2 = np.log(np.e -xx)

    #First graph drawing-----------------------
    plt.title("Sample accuracy. x={0:.2f}".format(xx[pos]))
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    #Draw a curve
    #Drawing points and coordinate values
    plt.scatter(xx[pos],cx1[pos], c="g", s=40, zorder=100)
    plt.text(xx[pos]+.01,cx1[pos]-.05,"{0:.3f}, {1:.3f}".format(cx1[pos], 1-cx1[pos]), size=16)
    plt.scatter(xx[pos],cx2[pos], c="b", s=40, zorder=100)
    plt.text(xx[pos]-.20,cx2[pos]-.05,"{0:.3f}".format(cx2[pos]), size=16)

    #Dotted line drawing
    plt.plot([xx[pos], xx[pos]], [0,1], "k--", alpha=.5, lw=2 )
    plt.plot([0, xx[pos]], [cx1[pos],cx1[pos]], "k--", alpha=.5, lw=2 )
    plt.plot([0, xx[pos]], [cx2[pos],cx2[pos]], "k--", alpha=.5, lw=2 )

    plt.text(.08, .42, r"normal:$r_0$", color="r", size=16)
    plt.text(1.2, .42, r"anomalous:$r_1$", color="#2F79B0", size=16)
    #Second graph drawing-----------------------
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    F = 2*cx1*cx2/(cx1+cx2)
    F_pos = 2*cx1[pos]*cx2[pos]/(cx1[pos]+cx2[pos])
    plt.scatter(xx[pos], F_pos, c="g", alpha=1, s=50)
    plt.plot(xx, F)
    plt.plot([xx[pos], xx[pos]], [0,1], "k--", alpha=.5, lw=2 )
    #Third graph drawing-----------------------
    plt.title("ROC Curve.")
    #Drawing curves and points
    plt.plot(1-cx1, cx2, linewidth=2, color="b", alpha=.4)
    plt.scatter(1-cx1[pos],cx2[pos], c="b", s=40, zorder=100)
    plt.text(1-cx1[pos]+.01,cx2[pos]-.05, "{0:.3f}, {1:.3f}".format(1-cx1[pos], cx2[pos]), size=16)

    plt.xlabel(r"$1-r_0$", size=16)
    plt.ylabel(r"$r_1$", size=16)
num_frame = 50
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,10))
anim = ani.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=num_frame, blit=True)
anim.save('ROC_curve2.gif', writer='imagemagick', fps=3, dpi=60)

Reference books

"Abnormality detection and change detection" by Tsuyoshi Ide and Masashi Sugiyama (Machine Learning Professional Series)   http://ide-research.net/book/support.html

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