Wrap C with Cython for use from Python

From "Speeding up Python by fusing with Cython C" O'Reilly I tried to trace on Ubuntu that a function written in C language can be imported and executed in Python.

First of all, since the sample of this book is on github, download it in a zip file. https://github.com/cythonbook/examples

Move to the extracted directory. examples-master/07-wrapping-c/01-wrapping-c-functions-mt-random

There is a Makefile here, so try making it. Then it seems that the necessary files have been created The example on p128 of the same book works from IPython. In [1]: import mt_random

In [2]: mt_random.init_state(42)

In [3]: mt_random.rand() Out[3]: 0.37454011439684315

Sure, you can wrap C functions in Cython as described in the book.

First, there is a C source file and a header file.

Declaration of external C code in Cython (extension .pxd)


cdef extern from "mt19937ar.h":
    void init_genrand(unsigned long s)
    double genrand_real1()

C function wrap (extension .pyx)


# distutils: sources=["mt19937ar.c"]
cimport mt

def init_state(unsigned long s):

def rand():
    return mt.genrand_real1()

Setup.py file that tells you how to compile


from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize

ext = Extension("mt_random",
                sources=["mt_random.pyx", "mt19937ar.c"])

      ext_modules = cythonize([ext]))

And the Makefile that runs setup.py was already included in the zip file. If you make this, you will get the result of the previous execution.

I found that I can wrap it by writing pxd file, pyx file, setup.py.

About the mt_random module implemented in this way help(mt_random) Then It is also convenient to see help as shown below.

Help on module mt_random: NAME mt_random

FILE / (Omitted) /examples-master/07-wrapping-c/01-wrapping-c-functions-mt-random/mt_random.so

FUNCTIONS init_state(...)


DATA test = {}

To understand more than this example, it seems to read Chapter 7 of the same book.

Even if you don't write everything in C, write only the bottleneck in C I'm happy that writing a wrapper using Cython is enough.

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