33 strings that should not be used as variable names in python

I will go in the order like this.

  1. List the things you shouldn't use
  2. How can I find out from the terminal what I shouldn't use?
  3. How can I check if the variable name I want to use is available?

First, list the things you shouldn't use

First of all, you don't have to remember. When I use it, I get an error saying "invalid syntax". However, isn't there any loss even if you look at it once?

  1. False
  2. None
  3. True
  4. and
  5. as
  6. assert
  7. break
  8. class
  9. continue
  10. def
  11. del
  12. elif
  13. else
  14. except
  15. finally
  16. for
  17. from
  18. global
  19. if
  20. import
  21. in
  22. is
  23. lambda
  24. nonlocal
  25. not
  26. or
  27. pass
  28. raise
  29. return
  30. try
  31. while
  32. with
  33. yield

How to call

If you execute the following code, it will be listed as a list type.


import keyword

How to check if variable names can be used?

If you execute the following code, the value will be returned as Boolean type. Please note that ** True cannot be used **.

import keyword

keyword.iskeyword('def') #True
keyword.iskeyword('bag') #False

It's a simple memo, but is it important except for large system development? ??

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