Modules of frequently used functions in Python (such as reading external files)

at first

I made it for myself, so I think its use is limited. External files are often read programmatically for configuration, so they are organized for ease of use. By the way, the handling of Datetime is also complicated, so it is summarized. For details on modularization and usage, please refer to the following articles.

Modularize and package your own functions with python --Qiita


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time, shutil, os, sys, datetime

class File:
    #Read the file and return it as a list (in case of error)"error"return it)
    def ReadListOut(path):
            with open(path,'r',encoding="utf-8") as f:
                Sentence = [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()]
                return Sentence
        except FileNotFoundError:
            return "error"

    #Write list type data with line breaks
    def WriteListIn(path, Sentence):
        Sentence = "\n" + '\n'.join(list(map(str, Sentence)))
        with open(path, mode='a',encoding="utf-8") as f:

    #Write after breaking a line of text
    def WriteStrIn(path, Sentence):
        Sentence = "\n" + Sentence
        with open(path, mode='a',encoding="utf-8") as f:

    #Copy directory or file to any path
    def Copy(pathBefore, pathAfter):
        if "." in pathBefore:
            shutil.copy(pathBefore, pathAfter)
            shutil.copytree(pathBefore, pathAfter)

    #Move directory or file to any path
    def Move(pathBefore,pathAfter):
        shutil.move(pathBefore, pathAfter)

    #Create a directory in any path
    def MakeDir(path):

    #Delete directory or file
    def Remove(path):
        if "." in path:

    #Change file modification date
    def ChangeUpdateTime(path, timelist): #Year/Month/Day/Time/Minutes/Enter in seconds
        time = Define.Date(timelist).timestamp()
        os.utime(path, (time, time))

class Program:
    #Kill the program
    def Exit():

class Define:
    #Create Datetime object from input
    def Date(timelist):
        return datetime.datetime.strptime("/".join(map(str, timelist)), "%Y/%m/%d")

    def Time(timelist):
        return datetime.datetime.strptime("/".join(map(str, timelist)), "%H/%M/%S")

    def DateTime(timelist):
        return datetime.datetime.strptime("/".join(map(str, timelist)), "%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%S")

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