[PYTHON] Packages that should be included

pep8 Coding guidelines.

pip install pep8

do it

pep8 test.py

And so on

test.py:3:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1

Something comes out.

Because it is impossible to deal with this one by one


pip install autopep8

do it py-autopep8.el Is installed in Emacs, and if you save it, it will be corrected without permission.

py.test When pytest-cov

pip install -U pytest
pip install pytest-cov
py.test --cov target file.py/Directory target TestCase class.py

And coverage will come out

Perfect Python 13-4-3 Mock.patch section execution results

============================  in 0.03 seconds ===========================
Naganos-MacBook-Air:13 nagano$ py.test --cov ./ mocktest.py
============================ test session starts ========================
platform darwin -- Python 3.3.3 -- py-1.4.20 -- pytest-2.5.2
plugins: cov
collected 1 items 

mocktest.py .
------ coverage: platform darwin, python 3.3.3-final-0 -------------------
Name         Stmts   Miss  Cover
mocktest         8      0   100%
mod1             3      1    67%
mod2             6      1    83%
simpletest      12     12     0%
TOTAL           29     14    52%

============================  1 passed in 0.09 seconds =====================

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