[GO] Java implementation to create and solve mazes


--What you did: Create a maze in Java and find if it is reachable (depth-first search DFS) or find the shortest path (breadth-first search BFS) --Source => GitHub --Execution result => Ideone --Other input examples => README

Run-time notes

--Six arguments are required, the order is fixed --You can write the maze / route to the standard output with -debug --However, there is no output limit --It is better to output while checking how much can be displayed from a small maze to a large maze. --If you put -no-denug instead of -debug, the standard output will be turned off. --Since the size exceeds 2501 * 2501, the execution time of generation is long and difficult. --If you put a large number in the fourth argument circuits, the execution time of generation is long and it is hard after all --100000 or something impossible

Miscellaneous feelings

--Implementation that creates a maze may be rare ――It is preferable to return both 1. the shortest distance and 2. the rewritten route, but it is troublesome so I have not done it -Go or Python or Ruby Apprentice I want you to

Hope this helps.

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