Java classes and instances to understand in the figure

When you start learning Java programming, you'll have a rather early understanding of ** classes and instances **. I personally think that the hurdles for beginners are a little high. Often in reference books and online articles

A class is a design document and an instance is an entity created based on the design document.

I often see things like that, but I feel that only people with programming experience or sense can understand this. At the beginning of Java learning, I couldn't understand with such a conceptual explanation.

This article is for people who don't have much understanding of ** classes and instances **, just like I did when I started learning Java (this article uses Java 8). Please note that the figures are just images and cannot be expressed accurately.


You can create an instance by newing from class. In Java, you basically create an instance and execute the process. The following is common, but I'm writing a program that instantiates from a human class.

class Human {

	String name;
	int age;

	Human(String name, int age) { = name;
		this.age = age;

	void greet() {
		System.out.printf("Nice to meet you,%s.\n",;

public static void main(String[] args) {

	Human humanA = new Human("Kaneda", 16);
	Human humanB = new Human("island", 15);


Create an instance with a name and age from the Human class that represents a human, the above creates two instances. I tried to figure this out.


Create an instance from the class and deploy it in memory. Then, assign the reference value (address in memory) of that instance to the variable. Now let's execute the greeting method of the two instances generated above.

public static void main(String[] args) {

	Human humanA = new Human("Kaneda", 16);
	Human humanB = new Human("island", 15);

	humanA.greet(); //Nice to meet you, my name is Kaneda.
	humanB.greet(); //Nice to meet you, this is an island.

Since the name is different for each instance, the output will be different.


Creating and operating each entity from a class is the basic operation of a program in Java.

static modifier

static literally means static. It gets a little confusing when it comes out, but be sure to understand it, as programming without understanding it can lead to ridiculous bugs. Variables and methods with static modifiers are also called class variables and class methods, respectively. Let's add each to the previous human class.

class Human {

	static final String classification = "mammalian"; // <-Class variables
	String name;
	int age;

	Human(String name, int age) { = name;
		this.age = age;

	static final boolean isMammal() { // <-Class method
		return true;

	void greet() {
		System.out.printf("Nice to meet you,%s.\n",;

Added classification, which means classification as a static variable, and isMammal, which confirms mammals as a static method, to human classes. The final qualifier is a qualifier that makes it non-rewritable. Variables make it impossible to change values, and methods make it impossible to override. Now, let's access the added member.

public static void main(String[] args) {

	Human humanA = new Human("Kaneda", 16);
	Human humanB = new Human("island", 15);
	System.out.println(humanA.classification); //mammalian
	System.out.println(humanB.isMammal()); // true


Members with the static modifier belong to the class. So you are accessing the class via an instance. I also made a diagram of this.


By the way, if you write the above code in eclipse, you will get a warning message that "... requires static access". This is because Java has an implicit rule that class members should access the class directly. It's difficult to tell whether it's a class property or an instance property via an instance. In this case, it is correct to access the class directly as follows.

System.out.println(Human.classification); //mammalian
System.out.println(Human.isMammal()); // true

That is, the static modifier must be given to instance-independent members. From an object-oriented perspective, the "mammal" classification of humans is a definition that does not differ between instances no matter what instance they create. I added final because the definition (that humans are "mammals") will not change in the future.

If you make a mistake in using it ...

I said that if you use static incorrectly, it will lead to bugs, but I will actually write the incorrect usage of static. Let's add a static growOld method that makes the above human class age. Think about what it means for humans to get older.

class Human {
	static final String classification = "mammalian";
	String name;
	int age;

	Human(String name, int age) { = name;
		this.age = age;

	static void growOld(){
		age++; // <-Compile error


I get a compile error saying "Unable to statically reference non-static field age" in the added growOld method.


It's a non-static field, that is, an instance field, so it can't be accessed from class methods. When this happens, I realize that it is a mistake to define the aging growOld method as static, but sometimes it is not possible to remove static from the method due to the parent class or framework. In such a case, let's think that the design to access the field is strange in the first place. Very rarely, there are idiots who make variables (age age in this case) static, but ** don't make variables static **. It is not possible for all humans to age at the same time at the same time. When defining static members, think again from the design level.

In addition to variables and methods, there are inner classes that are members that can be given static. I won't cover inner classes in this article, but be aware that they have a slightly different meaning than variables and methods.


Java allows you to inherit from other classes and access members of the inherited class. The inherited class is also called the parent class or superclass of the inheriting class. Next, I would like to create an instance from a class that inherits another class. The following newly defines a Japanese class and an American class that inherit the above human class, and executes the greeting method from each instance.

class Japanese extends Human {
	Japanese(String name, int age) {
		super(name, age);
	void greet() {
		System.out.println("I am Japanese.");

class American extends Human {

	American(String name, int age) {
		super(name, age);
	void greet() {
		System.out.println("I am American.");

public static void main(String[] args) {

	Japanese japanese = new Japanese("Kumi", 15);
	American american = new American("Emily", 15);
	//Nice to meet you, this is Kumi.
	//I am Japanese.
	//Nice to meet you, my name is Emily.
	//I am American.


The child class inherits the members of the parent class as they are. In other words, the child instance can use the members of the parent class as they are. Therefore, it is possible to access the parent greeting method in the child greeting method. WS000000.JPG


By the way, both Japanese and Americans inherit humans, so instances can behave as humans. The following is a list of human beings, and they are greeted in order.

List<Human> humans = new ArrayList<>();
humans.add(new Japanese("Kumi", 15));
humans.add(new Japanese("Ken", 15));
humans.add(new American("Emily", 15));
humans.add(new American("Billy", 15));
humans.forEach(h -> h.greet());
//Nice to meet you, this is Kumi.
//I am Japanese.
//Nice to meet you, my name is Ken.
//I am Japanese.
//Nice to meet you, my name is Emily.
//I am American.
//Nice to meet you, my name is Billy.
//I am American.

What I would like to pay attention to here is the content of the greeting. I am greeting as a human being, but Japanese and Americans are greeting each child class. Overriding a method of a parent class with a method of a child class in this way is called overriding.


By the way, in the following cases, "Yamato-damashii" is a Japanese member and cannot be accessed with humanoid variables. Even if it is a Japanese instance, Japanese members cannot use it unless they behave as Japanese.

class Japanese extends Human {
	String japaneseSoul = "Yamato soul"; // <-Japanese soul
	Japanese(String name, int age) {
		super(name, age);
	void greet() {
		System.out.println("I am Japanese.");

Japanese japanese = new Japanese("Kumi", 15);
Human human = new Japanese("Ken", 15);
System.out.println(japanese.japaneseSoul); //Yamato soul
System.out.println(human.japaneseSoul); // <-Compile error

(I'm sorry I can't think of a good example of what Japanese people have.)


Java is often used as an introductory language for programming and is the language used by many systems. But if you don't understand the relationship between classes and instances, you can't do correct Java programming, and you can't understand object-oriented programming. I hope this will lead to the understanding of those who are in trouble.

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