[PYTHON] How to use fixture in Django to populate sample data associated with a user model


I want to create a parent model user model and a child model book model in Django.


The superuser has been created in advance. (id: 1) Therefore, we create a sampleuser as the second user and associate two child models with that user.


Create a fixtures directory in the application directory and enter as follows. As a caveat, the password for the user model must be the hashed value found by the method described below.


    "model":"app name.user",
      "password":"Hashed string"
    "model":"app name.book",
      "title":"Sample book 1",
    "model":"app name.book",
      "author":"Yuval Noah Harari",

How to hash a password

Start the console and call make_password to find the value

python manage.py shell
>>> from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password
>>> make_password('test')
>>>Hashed value

Finally input with the following command


python manage.py loaddata [fixture path]
Installed 1 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)




Write a command

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