How to input multiple images at once using rake task


From active_admin (administrator screen) using Carrierwave I was posting images one by one. You need to delete the data in the database once Therefore,

Ke: "Is it going to be posted one by one again? I'm tired, is there any good way?"

It started from. Lol


The file changed this time is as follows

lib/tasks/import_csv.rake db/csv_data/text_data.csv

It was a lot of work. Lol

Let's go


Originally here


desc "Task to import TEXT data"
    task movie_data: :environment do
        list = Import.csv_data(path: "db/csv_data/text_data.csv")

The image cannot be uploaded at this rate. Then use the open method to instruct it to open the image file.


desc "Task to import TEXT data"
    task text: :environment do
        list = Import.csv_data(path: "db/csv_data/text_data.csv")
               * File.Rails with join.root+"db/csv_data/text_data.csv"To combine.
        path = File.join Rails.root, "db/csv_data/text_data.csv"
        CSV.foreach(path, headers: true) do |row|
            list << {         
          puts "Start import process"
          puts "Import was successful"

Since CSV.foreach is used to process lines one by one, it can be used without worrying about memory usage even when handling CSV files with many lines.

After finishing this description, the next step is to edit the CSV file!


"db/fixtures/Slide 2.jpeg ",Basic,Mac shortcut keys,"If you are not familiar with your computer, let's start by using shortcut keys. If you can't use the shortcut keys listed here, the learning efficiency of programming will not improve at all.

Describe db/fixtures/slide 2.jpeg and the path of the file. In my case, I still have more data, so Give the path of the file in the same way ...

** This was sober ** ww

After writing, let's import the task next!


rake -T 
rake import_csv:text                    #Task to import TEXT data

Check the command Copy and execute rake import_csv: text


rake import_csv:text
Start import process
rake aborted!
ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid:Validation failed:Title cannot be left blank,Genre cannot be blank,Content cannot be blank

I thought the code was a little strange, but it seems like it's still lol

When I read the error statement, it seems that there is no data in other columns,

Let's look at the code again.


desc "Task to import TEXT data"
    task text: :environment do
        list = Import.csv_data(path: "db/csv_data/text_data.csv")
               * File.Rails with join.root+"db/csv_data/text_data.csv"To combine.
        path = File.join Rails.root, "db/csv_data/text_data.csv"
        CSV.foreach(path, headers: true) do |row|
            list << {         
       !!?? *I only put image in the list lol
          puts "Start import process"
          puts "Import was successful"

Added below


desc "Task to import TEXT data"
    task text: :environment do
        list = Import.csv_data(path: "db/csv_data/text_data.csv")
        path = File.join Rails.root, "db/csv_data/text_data.csv"
        CSV.foreach(path, headers: true) do |row|
            list << {
               #Added below
                genre: row["genre"],
                title: row["title"],
                content: row["content"]
          puts "Start import process"
          puts "Import was successful"

Import again rake import_csv:text

Start import process
Import was successful

You succeeded! Check if there is any content just in case.


#<Text:0x00007fb4e4c29f98 id: nil, image: "Slide 2.jpeg ">,

It's firmly in!

It's a rough content, but that's it.

It's nice to write it as an article because the information can be fixed.

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