[PYTHON] [Poincare recurrence theorem] I tried playing with 100 snake pendulums expanded to a long period ♬

Since it is a mass game, I think that it is meaningless (natural), but considering the planetary series etc., I think that such calculations are actually meaningful, so I will summarize it. After all, Poincare's recurrence theorem. I reminded myself that the dynamical system is meaningful as a concrete example of "if certain conditions are met, it almost returns to its arbitrary initial state within a finite time." In addition, the calculation and simulation of the planet series will not be done this time. So, this time, I would like to freely change the number and cycle of previous formula.

Simulation of 100 pieces per dance for 120 seconds

And it is an extension in the case of 100 pieces. This is not possible with the previous formula, so change it as follows.

N = 60
z0 =500
for i in range(1,100,1):

Also, since it was restored in 120 seconds, the result is as follows.

I tried playing by simulating 100 snake pendulums ♬ <img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/cDJWJdXN4Q4/0.jpg "

Simulation of 15 pieces per dance for 120 seconds

This time, let's dance 15 pendulums with a period of 120 seconds. This shows that virtually any number, length and period of pendulums can be designed. [Snake pendulum] I made a simulation of 15 pieces for 120 seconds per dance and played with it ♬ <img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/oe34YS3I5QE/0.jpg " The main code could be achieved below.

N = 60
L0=980*(120/65)**2/(2*np.pi)**2  #120 here/65 of 120 is important
print(L0, 2*np.pi/np.sqrt(980/L0))
z0 =150
for i in range(1,15,1):
    fc=fc*((66-i)/(65-i))  #65/Adjust the shift of each one with 64

for j in range(15):
    y += 2  #Pendulum y-axis spacing
    dataz0 = np.array(list(genxy(N,L=L0*Fc[j]**2,z0=z0,y0=y))).T
    linez0, = ax.plot(dataz0[0, 0:1], dataz0[1, 0:1], dataz0[2, 0:1],'o')

Compared to the previous one, the generator has been expanded so that it can be arranged in the y-axis direction as follows.

def genxy(n,L=20,z0=0,y0=0):
    phi = 0
    g = 980
    x0=5  #2.5
    omega = np.sqrt(g/L)
    theta0 = np.arcsin(x0/L)
    while phi < 600:
        yield np.array([L*np.sin(np.sin(phi*omega+np.pi/2)*theta0), y0,z0-L+L*(1-np.cos(np.sin(phi*omega+np.pi/2)*theta0))])
        phi += 1/n


-Expanded the number and length of snake pendulums so that they can be freely changed. ・ The overwhelming power of 100 pieces and the long period of 120 seconds are interesting in terms of appreciation.

・ I would like to simulate the realization of Poincare's recurrence theorem in the natural world such as the planetary series. ・ I want to realize a real snake pendulum in a free cycle


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3
from matplotlib import animation

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(1.6180 * 4, 4*1),dpi=200)
ax = p3.Axes3D(fig)

def genxy(n,L=20,z0=0,y0=0):
    phi = 0
    g = 980
    omega = np.sqrt(g/L)
    theta0 = np.arcsin(x0/L)
    while phi < 600:
        yield np.array([L*np.sin(np.sin(phi*omega+np.pi/2)*theta0), y0,z0-L+L*(1-np.cos(np.sin(phi*omega+np.pi/2)*theta0))])
        phi += 1/n
def update(num, data, line,s):
    line.set_data(data[:2,num-1 :num])
    line.set_3d_properties(data[2,num-1 :num])
N = 60
print(L0, 2*np.pi/np.sqrt(980/L0)) #84.6cm 1.846sec
Fc0=1.0   #omega=2pi/T
z0 =150
for i in range(1,15,1):

for j in range(15):
    y += 2
    dataz0 = np.array(list(genxy(N,L=L0*Fc[j]**2,z0=z0,y0=y))).T
    linez0, = ax.plot(dataz0[0, 0:1], dataz0[1, 0:1], dataz0[2, 0:1],'o')

# Setting the axes properties
ax.set_xlim3d([-10., 10])

ax.set_ylim3d([0.0, 30.0])

ax.set_zlim3d([0.0, z0-L0])
elev=0 #20. 
azim=90 #35.
ax.view_init(elev, azim)

frames =60*120

while 1:
    num = s
    for j in range(15):        
    if s%fr0==0:
        print(s/fr0, s)

    if s%(fr0/10)==0:
        if s>=s0+frames:

from PIL import Image,ImageFilter
images = []
for n in range(1,1201,1):
    exec('a'+str(n)+'=Image.open("./pendulum/'+str(n)+'.png ")')

Save video

I can't paste the gif animation, so save the mp4 file with the following code and upload it to youtube.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3
import cv2

def cv_fourcc(c1, c2, c3, c4):
        return (ord(c1) & 255) + ((ord(c2) & 255) << 8) + \
            ((ord(c3) & 255) << 16) + ((ord(c4) & 255) << 24)

OUT_FILE_NAME = "output_video.mp4"
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('m', 'p', '4', 'v')
dst = cv2.imread('./pendulum/1.png')
rows,cols,channels = dst.shape
out = cv2.VideoWriter(OUT_FILE_NAME, int(fourcc), int(10), (int(cols), int(rows)))

from PIL import Image,ImageFilter
for n in range(1,1201,1):
    dst = cv2.imread('./pendulum/'+str(n)+'.png')
    out.write(dst) #Output to mp4 or avi

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