[PYTHON] Resolve garbled Japanese characters in matplotlib of Jupyter Notebook on Docker


Every time I use jupyter in various environments, I feel that I am suffering from the problem of garbled Japanese characters. This time there was no solution for Don Pisha, so I will record it.


Resolve garbled Japanese characters in matplotlib of Jupyter Notebook on Docker. (Proceed by adding to the Dockerfile.)


  1. Check the location of the font file
  2. Font download
  3. Place the font file in the confirmed location
  4. Check the location of the matplotlib configuration file
  5. Set the matplotlib font
  6. Check cache location
  7. Delete cache


1. Check the location of the font file

Confirmed on jupyter.

import matplotlib.font_manager as fm

['/ File storage PATH / Somehow .ttf', You should see something like'/ file storage PATH / something .ttf']. (Use in 3)

2. Font download

Download "IPAex Gothic" from IPAex Font. Put ipaexg.ttf in the same directory as Dockerfile.

3. Place the font file in the confirmed location

Added to Dockerfile.

COPY ipaexg.ttf  /File storage PATH (check with 1)/

4. Check the location of the matplotlib configuration file

Confirmed on jupyter.

import matplotlib

You should see something like'/ settings storage PATH / matplotlib / matplotlibrc'. (Use in 5)

5. Set the matplotlib font

Added to Dockerfile.

RUN echo 'font.family : IPAexGothic' >> /Setting storage PATH/matplotlib/matplotlibrc

6. Check cache location

Confirmed on jupyter.

import matplotlib as mpl

You should see something like'/ cache PATH / .cache / matplotlib'. (Used in 6)

7. Delete cache

!rm -r /Cache storage PATH/.cache/matplotlib


スクリーンショット 2020-07-11 1.27.04.png

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