[PYTHON] Difference between using and import on shield language

Difference between using and import on shield language

using-> already linked. import-> unlinked.


using Sys
using Os
using Collection

<-Standard module is using


import WindowsAPI
import ABC

<-Import non-standard modules (third-party or self-made modules)


Call Protocol->Start
define Entry EntryPoint eq ex->Start-Up->Main @If it is ex, it starts from the global space._If it is, it is invalid because it hits any one character._When you want to write-Must be written.
define Link Linking eq (module1,module2,module3)
out of !My-Shield-File.jcp where #Entry #Link open build 'ex.shie'
T set call scan is done. Would you like to compile again?'Yes'-or-'No'
T eq yes get File->Open Me get Nil
The ecro is finished. Thank you very much.
sys set Call Protocol->Quit 
Call sys->End


using WindowsAPI
using ABC
using MyLib
using Genelic
from Sys using static Console
cdef square(x):
    #Compile time function(It is also possible to be a member)
    return x*x 

cpdef Fun():
    #Inline function get,The contents of set are actually pub cpdef Get_XXX(value T),pub cpdef Set_XXX():
    return float(Input("Enter numbers")) 

def Max<cdef T>(A T,B T) T Where T(self) and T(is not Null):
    #cdef is also used in compile-time generics.
    return if(A > B) A else B

def Min<T>(A T,B T) T Where T(self) and T(is not Null):
    #No def required for run-time generics.
    return if(A < B) A else B

static class Start_Up(Unit):
    def Main():
        Output("The numbers are"+str(Fun())+"is")

<-In this case, compilation is not possible without ex.udml.

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