Sample to put Python Flask web app on Azure App Service (Web App)


Log in to the Azure portal and create a ** Web App ** (App Service) from Create.

--Public: Code --Runtime stack: Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, etc. --OS: Linux * I feel that Windows is not good for some reason ... maybe because of my feelings ...

After that, start it as you like and check that the default screen of Azure App Service (Web Apps) appears.

First write the code at hand

Before deploying to Azure, first write code that works locally.

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return "hello world!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Save this and try running it on your local console.


If you access with a browser, you will see this display. If you get an error saying that Flask is not included, install it with pip install Flask.


This completes the preparation on the local side.

Take to Azure

It's easier to use Git! That's the first thing to say, but, though, I think it can be a hassle to create a repository to try it out, so everyone loves FTP.

The FTP procedure is everywhere, so skip it


Place the ʻ` you just created.

The file name must be ʻ By default, it will find ʻ or ʻ`.

And don't forget to restart the App Service.

Please restart (wait for about 30 seconds ...) and refresh your browser.


If this screen appears safely, it is a success.

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