Even on Windows (ConEmu) [https://conemu.github.io/] It is convenient to run the interpreter by hitting python.exe directly from the environment, but let's read pydoc without connecting to the Unix environment. It was jammed. When I open the Cmd window, the path doesn't seem to pass.
To read on the command line, I searched for'python -m pydoc [target] and also found the tip ([Windows 7 --pydoc from cmd -Stack Overflow-](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4149274/ windows-7-pydoc-from-cmd)), but this also opens two windows. Look at the main body of pydoc when connecting to a unix environment. No, I should have just executed the only method that appeared in'pydoc -m pydoc pydoc' even in the Windows environment. On the interpreter, I should have done the following.
'import pydoc pydoc.help( 'pydoc' )'
It looks like this
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