[PYTHON] Excel tried to summon QR code with black magic

One day

I will be a copy-paste craftsman ╭ (・ ㅂ ・) و ̑̑ Good!

╰ (`• ω •) ╮-= ni <It is troublesome to make various things from the free QR code creation site. I can't create a website that sets parameters and generates a QR code (꒪ ཫ ꒪;)


Development environment

item version Remarks
Python 3.7.5

Installation package

item version Remarks
pandas --- Used to read an Excel file
xlrd --- Needed to load excel in pandas
PyInstaller --- exe conversion
qrcode --- QR code generation
Pillow --- png image creation

Bulk package installation

Used to align the environment



Environment creation

  1. Create virtual environment --Python environment Right click-> Add environment 8dc31f34-e69d-4b6f-96f5-8a301a403dbe-960x299r.png

--Click OK as it is (you can install the package when creating a virtual environment) 9f4c64a4-1908-4713-b45a-d7a1c958e80e-960x633r.png

  1. Add requirements.txt to your project
  2. Right-click on the created virtual environment-> click Install from requirements.txt 31fd5512-c90b-4d64-8557-74f405923245-960x607r.png

Excel data



  1. Convert cell information to a character string, determine a delimiter, and concatenate
  2. Convert the string to base64
  3. QR code the base64 string


import sys
import os
import pandas as pd
import qrcode
import base64

def main():
	#Command line arguments
	args = sys.argv
	#Do not process if the argument is less than two
	if len(args) < 2:

	#Excel file judgment
	split = os.path.splitext(args[1])
	if split[1] != '.xlsx':

	#Get the first sheet
	excel_data = pd.read_excel(args[1], sheet_name = 0, encoding='utf-8')

	param_list = []
	for i, row in excel_data.iterrows():
		if i > 0: 
			temp = ""
			for value in row.iloc[2:8]:
				temp += str(value) + '|'
			temp = temp[:-1]
			full_path = os.getcwd() +'\\' + row.iloc[1] + '.png'
			param_list.append((full_path, temp))

	for index in range(len(param_list)):
		image_qr = qrcode.make(base64.b64encode(param_list[index][1].encode('utf-8')))

	if len(param_list) < 1:
		print("There was no QR code to create")
		print("I created a QR code")

if __name__ == '__main__':

exe conversion

Type the following command to make it an exe The file size of the exe becomes big, but I close my eyes (˘ω˘)


pyinstaller hoge.py --onefile --noconsole

How to use

Drag & drop xlsx file to exe

Code to read


public static class Utility
    public static string Base64Decode(string value)
        return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(System.Convert.FromBase64String(value));

    public static List<string> GetQRCordData(string value)
        string data = Utility.Base64Decode(value);
        return new List<string>(data.Split(new[] { "|" }, System.StringSplitOptions.None));

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