[Ruby On Rails] In the create action and destroy action, emergency measures when redirect_to action:: show cannot be (cannot be used)

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I learned that you can call and execute an action in that controller by specifying the action :: action name in redirect_to.

Taking advantage of that learning, I was able to redirect the show action by writing redirect_to action:: show when it was updated (that is, when the edit was updated).

  def update
    if @hoge.update(hoge_params)
      redirect_to action: :show
      render :edit


However, in the create and destroy actions, redirect_to action:: show gave an error.

  def create
    @hoge = Hoge.new(hoge_params)
    if @hoge.save
      redirect_to action: :show
      render :new


  def destroy
    if @hoge.destroy
      redirect_to action: :show
      render :show

Error statement

ActionController::UrlGenerationError in HogesController#create
No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"hoges"}


I searched rails routes for routes, described the Prefix path, and passed the key if necessary.

  def create
    @hoge = Hoge.new(hoge_params)
    if @hoge.save
      redirect_to hoge_path(current_user.id)
      render :new


  def destroy
    if @hoge.destroy
      redirect_to hoge_path(current_user.id)
      render :show

By doing this, it was possible to transition to the same screen as show when creating a new one with the create action or deleting it with the destroy action.

* We believe that the above measures are just emergency workarounds. (Because I lack learning)

Things to learn in the future

To be able to understand the processing flow as to why and why the action :: show could not be redirected.

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