Java Generics (Notes)

Have List in Map value

request: The value of Map is List, and the object managed by this List has a relation of Child extends Parent. Then, there is an instance of each List , and I want to process the object in List as Parent.


Generics are not covariant, so you can't:

Map<Key, List<Parent>> map1;
Map<Key, List<Child>> map2;
list1 = list2;  //Compile error here

Therefore, we use wildcards. However, the following is also NG

Map<Key, List<? extends Parent>> map1;
Map<Key, List<Child>> map2;
list1 = list2; //Compile error here

this is,

List<? extends Parent> list1;
List<Child> list2;
list1 = list2;

I could do it, but I thought it was strange. And the following is the correct answer

Map<Key, ? extends List<? extends Parent>> map1;
Map<Key, List<Child>> map2;
map1 = map2;

As you can see, I had to use the wildcard twice. I used this to define a method and execute it.

  List<Integer> ilist = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  Map<String, List<Integer>> imap = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>();
  imap.put("1", ilist);

  public void doit(Map<String, ? extends List<? extends Number>> inmap) {
      for (String key : inmap.keySet()) {
          System.out.println("key = " + key);
          List<? extends Number> list = inmap.get(key);
          for (Number n : list) {


A method that returns a Map with List <Parent> as the value from List <Child>

Part 1

public <V, K extends T, T> Map<V, List<? extends T>> convert(Map<V, List<K>> srcMap) {
    Map<V, List<? extends T>> dstMap = new HashMap<V, List<? extends T>>();
    for (V key : srcMap.keySet()) {
        dstMap.put(key, srcMap.get(key));
    return dstMap;

Part 2

public <V, K extends T, T> Map<V, List<T>> toUpper(Map<V, List<K>> srcMap) {
    Map<V, List<T>> dstMap = new HashMap<V, List<T>>();
        for (V key : srcMap.keySet()) {
	    List<T> tlist = new ArrayList<T>();
	    for (K val : srcMap.get(key)) {
	    dstMap.put(key, tlist);
	return dstMap;

Probably "No. 2" is better. The reason is that the return type is Map <V, List <T >>. According to Effective Java, it is not good to make this method aware of wildcards on the execution side (e.g., List <? Extends T>) as in "Part 1" (probably ...).

Please point out any mistakes.

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