Frequently used Java generics

I was confused about how to use generics (generic type), so I wrote an example that I often use.

I want to decide as an argument of the class

public class Foo<T> {
    T t;
    public T get() {
        return t;
    public void set(T t) {
        this.t = t;

When using multiple parameters, separate them with `Foo <T, U>` and commas.

I want to force a subclass

public class Foo<T extends Parent> {
    T t;
    public T get() {
        return t;
    public void set(T t) {
        this.t = t;

Only when using a method

It is inconvenient when you want to make a temporary decision if you specify it for the entire class. For example, when you want to convert a List to an array

List list = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] strList = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

I think you may use the toArray method like this. The implementation at this time

public class Foo {
    public <T> T get(T t) {
        return t;

At this time, T is determined by looking at the argument type.

Cannot create an instance

Not surprisingly, it cannot be `new T ()`. The reason is that there is no guarantee that an instance can be created unless you know who T is.

public class Foo<T extends Parent> {
    public T get() {
        return new T(); //Can not!!

It seems that you can create an instance from the Class class using java refactoring to achieve coding like new T (), but the performance seems to drop significantly.

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