java (interface)

Conditions that can be used as an interface

** Abstract class master ball (top) ** ① All methods are abstract methods ② Basically it does not have a field

Highly abstract Human class

public abstract class Human {     //Meet ①② above
  public abstract void run();

Human class declared as an interface

public interface Human {
  void run();                        //public abstract can be omitted

Interface implementation

public class Hero implements Human { 

Multiple inheritance by interface

public class PrincessHero 
    implements Hero, Princess {    //Can inherit multiple parent interfaces

Multiple inheritance is not possible in classes, but it is possible in interfaces

Interface inheritance

public interface Human extend Creature {
  void talk();
  void watch();
  void hear();
  //In addition, run from the parent interface()Inheriting

Use implements and extend properly

----- ʻextend (inheritance) between classes and interfaces --If you use an interface in a class (heterogeneous), ʻimplements

Defining classes using both implements and extend

public class Hero extends Charaater implements Human{
  //Inherit fields such as hp and name from Charaater
  //Abstract method attack inherited from Charaater()Implementation
  public void attack(Goblin g) {
    System.out.println( + "Inflicted 5 damage");
  //In addition, implement four abstract methods inherited from Human
  public void talk(){
    System.out.println("・ ・ ・");
  public void watch(){
    System.out.println("・ ・ ・");
  public void hear(){
    System.out.println("・ ・ ・");
  public void run(){
    System.out.println("・ ・ ・");

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