A functional interface is an interface that has only one abstract method and is used as an assignment destination for lambda expressions and method references. I tried to summarize the standard functional interface
As a standard functional interface, typical method types are defined in the java.util.function
interface | Method | Description |
Function <T, R> | R apply (T t) | Takes a T-type argument and returns an R-type result |
Consumer <T> | void accept (T t) | Receives T-type arguments and returns no results |
Predicate <T> | boolean test(T t) | Takes a T-type argument and returns the result of a boolean value |
Supplier <T> | T get() | Returns a T-type result with no arguments |
// Function<T, R>
//Example: Returns the string length of the argument
Function<String, Integer> function = String::length;
System.out.println(function.apply("12345")); // 5
// Consumer<T>
//Example: Output the argument string length
Consumer<String> consumer = str -> System.out.println(str.length());
consumer.accept("12345"); // 5
// Predicate<T>
//Example: In the argument string"foo"Judgment whether is included
Predicate<String> predicate = str -> Objects.nonNull(str) && str.contains("foo");
System.out.println(predicate.test("foo bar")); // true
// Supplier<T>
//Example:"Sample"return it
Supplier<String> supplier = () -> "Sample";
System.out.println(supplier.get()); // Sample
You can combine standard functional interfaces to create new functional interfaces
Synthesize using compose
, ʻandThen (The difference between
compose and ʻandThen
is the order of composition)
Predicate system can be synthesized using ʻand, ʻor
, negate
//Function composition of Function
Function<String, Integer> function1 = String::length;
Function<Integer, Integer> function2 = i -> i * 100;
//When using compose
Function<String, Integer> newFunction1 = function2.compose(function1);
//When using andThen
Function<String, Integer> newFunction2 = function1.andThen(function2);
System.out.println(newFunction1.apply("12345")); // 500
System.out.println(newFunction2.apply("12345")); // 500
//Predicate function composition
Predicate<Integer> predicate1 = i -> i % 2 == 0; //Judging whether it is an even number
Predicate<Integer> predicate2 = i -> i >= 100; //Judgment whether it is 100 or more
//Determine if it is even and 100 or more
Predicate<Integer> newPredicate1 = predicate1.and(predicate2);
//Determine if it is odd and less than 100(negate()Is a logical negation)
Predicate<Integer> newPredicate2 = predicate1.negate().and(predicate2.negate());
System.out.println(newPredicate1.test(100)); // true
System.out.println(newPredicate2.test(99)); // true
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