[Java / Swift] Comparison of Java Interface and Swift Protocol

What to write in this article

Comparison of Java ʻinterface and Swift Protocol`

Why I wrote this article

・ Basic information engineer exam preparation -Comparison of similarities between Java and Swift

Code example (Java interface)


public class Main {
    interface sampleInterface{
        String sampleFunction(String a, String b);
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    /*When implementing an interface in a class, write implements*/    
    class A implements sampleInterface{
        public String sampleFunction(String a, String b){
            return "「" + a + ""When"" + b + "Is the argument of sampleFunction defined in classA";
    class B implements sampleInterface{
        public String sampleFunction(String a, String b){
            return "「" + a + ""When"" + b + "Is the argument of sampleFunction defined in classB";
    A a = new A();
    B b = new B();


Output result (Java)

"C" and "d" are the arguments of sampleFunction defined in classA
"E" and "f" are the arguments of sampleFunction defined in classB

Code example (Swift Protocol)


protocol SampleProtocol{
    func sampleFunction(_ a:String, _ b:String) -> String

// class A
class A:SampleProtocol{
    func sampleFunction(_ a:String, _ b:String) -> String{
        return "「\(a)"When"\(b)Is the argument of sampleFunction defined in classA"

// class B
class B:SampleProtocol{
    func sampleFunction(_ a:String, _ b:String) -> String{
        return "「\(a)"When"\(b)Is the argument of sampleFunction defined in classB"

var a = A()
var b = B()


Output result (swift)

"C" and "d" are the arguments of sampleFunction defined in classA
"E" and "f" are the arguments of sampleFunction defined in classB

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