Easily use your own functions in Python

First, create your own function.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def myplot(x):
    plt.plot(x, 'o-')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    x = [i**2 for i in range(20)]

I like to make the file name and the function name the same here.


Put this in your own function collection folder.


If you keep this file inside,


from myplot import myplot

You can import myplot from mymodule without stress.


from mymodule import myplot

x = [(-0.5)**i for i in range(20)]


However, in this case, the executed test_myplot.py must be in the same folder as mymodule.


Therefore, collect your own function collection in a specific folder.


If you put test_myplot.py in a free position like this,


import sys; sys.path.append('/home/okadate/pyfiles')
from mymodule import myplot

x = [i/(5.0+i) for i in range(30)]


You can use it!

It seems that there are other methods such as packaging. I would like to try it if it is easy. ..

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