Don't use readlines () in your Python for statement!

Just when I was reviewing the code I wrote a long time ago


    with'utf-8') as log_file:
        for line in log_file.readlines():

I noticed that I was writing code like this here and there.

The file handle for Python (Note: version 2.4 and above) is an iterator, so in the above code


        for line in log_file.readlines():

Line is


        for line in log_file:

Should be written.

Also when combined with ʻenumerate ()`


        for line_number, line in enumerate(log_file.readlines(), 1):



	for line_number, line in enumerate(log_file, 1):

There is no problem writing.

If for some reason you really want to read the file at once using the readlines () method, instead of writing readlines () in the for statement,


log_lines = []
    with'utf-8') as log_file:
        log_lines = log_file.readlines()
except IOError:
for line in log_lines:

I think it should be written like this.

Occasionally I see a lot of long code in the with block, but I should close the opened file if I don't need it, and the with block has no scope, so I can skip unnecessary processing without sloppy writing. That's right.

As mentioned above, I was quite confused about how bad my code was, so it was a tip I wrote with my own caution.

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