First, which features of aws-cli are the Preview version are PyPI or GitHub code -Browse (cli / blob / develop / awscli / customizations /
version 1.3.1 Currently, the following 4 services are provided as preview.
Let's enable cloudfront as an example.
$ aws configure set preview.cloudfront true
See help for how to use aws cloudfront.
$ aws cloudfront help
Actually, if you try hitting aws cloudfront, you can see how to enable preview. User-friendly (the significance of this entry is being questioned).
$ aws cloudfront
This service is only available as a preview service.
However, if you'd like to use a basic set of cloudfront commands with the
AWS CLI, you can enable this service by adding the following to your CLI
config file:
or by running:
aws configure set preview.cloudfront true
It is recommended because it is very easy to use with abundant aws-cli and git-flavored subcommands and abundant help. I'm almost going to get rid of everything with shell art.
Pythonista is happy that the code is easy to follow even if you don't understand it.
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