Dealing with key not found error in pacstrap when installing Arch Linux

When I try to deploy Arch with an old ISO image, the keyring is too old and pacstrap doesn't work. Here, I leave a memo of the work I did.

If you google the workaround, you will find the following.

  1. How to update the keyring using pacman-key --refresh
  2. How to reinstall pacman-keyring itself.

In my case, there was a key that could not be found even if I specified the keyserver and updated it with method 1. So I try 2, but I can't use arch-chroot because bash doesn't work until I do pacstrap. It takes some effort to reinstall keyring using pacman without chrooting. (It's really just a hassle. I don't think I need to write it down, but I'll forget it again the next time ... just in case)

How to reinstall keyring before pacstrap

pacman -Sy ##Required to use pacman.I just need this
pacman -S pacman-keyring ##keyring update
pacstrap /mnt ##Then follow the installation guide to pacstrap

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