[PYTHON] When I tried to install PIL and matplotlib in a virtualenv environment, I was addicted to it.

** "First pattern recognition" reading party ** is about to end, so I talked about what to read in the next series, "Practical Computer Vision ”has appeared.

It's just stored in my house, so I thought I'd pull it out and read it for a while, but I was addicted to creating the environment. And for a reason that doesn't really matter. Pathetic ...

Make a note so that no one will follow the same rut.


Before installing PIL

I can install it by pip install PIL without thinking about anything, but when I read the jpeg file and try to show it with pylab, I get the following error.

IOError: decoder jpeg not available

I was told that there is no jpeg decoder, so when I googled it, it seems that libjpeg-dev needs to be installed. However, when I sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev, I was angry with "I already have it!".

When libjpeg-dev is installed with apt, libjpeg.so is created under / usr / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu /, but it seems that this folder is not seen when installing PIL with pip.

So, let's put a symbolic link where you can see it from pip.

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjpeg.so /usr/lib/libjpeg.so

After linking, I reinstalled PIL and it worked fine.



Before installing matplotlib

matplotlib can also be entered with pip. Numpy is also included because of the dependency.

However, nothing is displayed when pylab.show () is executed. I don't even get an error. What is this? ?? ??

After investigating, it seems that the backend for screen display is set appropriately. As for where to set it, there is a file called matplotlibrc. The following command will tell you the location.

>>> import matplotlib
>>> matplotlib.matplotlib_fname()


backend      : agg

With a backend called agg, you can write to a file, but you can't open a window and display it on the screen.

Actually, matplotlib is also included in system-wide python, but when I look at that matplotlibrc, the backend is Tkagg. It looks like you're using Tkinter.

So I will rewrite from agg to Tkagg. Then, the following error came to appear this time.

No module named _tkagg

It seems that the file _tkagg.py is not generated when compiling matplotlib. To solve this, you need to install tk-dev.

sudo apt-get install tk-dev

This time it will be under / usr / lib, so there is no need to put a link. If you install matplotlib after installing tk-dev, you can do it.


I wrote it in the order I tried various things by groping, but it should be set up like this.

sudo apt-get install libjpeg tk-dev
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjpeg.so /usr/lib/libjpeg.so

pip install PIL
pip install matplotlib

vim /path/to/your/matplotlibrc
###Rewrite backend to Tkapp

By the way, if you google, the information will come out as it is, but because I decided that "If it is a system-wide matplotlib, it will be displayed properly with tk, so there is no reason why tk-dev is not included" and did not confirm it. I'm addicted to it.

I don't remember how it happened, but maybe when I put it in system wide, it was apt, and since I put it in binary, _tkagg was included even without tk-dev ...

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