In IPython, when I tried to see the value, it was a generator, so I came up with it when I was frustrated.

When I was playing with Python in an interactive environment such as IPython, it was a generator type instead of a list type, so

In [2]: foo()
Out[2]: <generator object foo at 0x7f1f35a3dee8>

I think that there is an irritating experience. I think it became especially noticeable after Python3. In such a case, well, I should modify it to list (foo ()). Ctrl + A (or Home),'l','i','s','t','(', Ctrl + E (or End),')' And I have to press the 8 key. Tedious. I'm irritated.

I suddenly came up with it.

class Apply:
    def __init__(self, f):
        self.f = f
    def __lt__(self, x):
        return self.f(x)

L = Apply(list)

Once written,

In [2]: foo()
Out[2]: <generator object foo at 0x7f1f35a3dee8>

Even if it's irritating

In [8]: foo() >L
Out[8]: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

You can easily make a list just by doing. If you create in the $ HOME / .ipython / profile_default / startup directory, you can calm down and list it with > L after that.

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