[PYTHON] Beautiful Soup memo

document http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

soup = BeautifulSoup(raw) #raw is web page load data

#findAll:Get the object of the corresponding tag in the list
#Below is the class image-Get all ul of items
ul_items = soup.findAll('ul',class_='image-items')

#find:Get 1 object of the corresponding tag
a = item.find('a')
#It looks like this when id is specified
sample = soup.find(id='template-embed-sample')

#Get attribute value
#Get the link destination of the a tag
link = a.attrs['href']

BeautifulSoup object obtained by find method? Because it has the information of the contained child You can also get the following


to get hogehoge

div = soup.find('div')
span = div.find('span')#Find the span in the div

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