[PYTHON] Remove unwanted HTML tags with Beautiful Soup

I used Beautiful Soup for the first time

I decided to scrape for some reason in my work, so I hurriedly tried using it.


import urllib.request
import bs4

url = 'http://www.XXXXXX.jp'

html = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

title = soup.select('.lxl-inCateList ul li a dl dt')
price = soup.find_all("dd", class_="l-price")

for i in title:
    a = (i.string)
    print (a)
for i in price:
    b = (i.string)
    print (b)

It's a source that doesn't look beautiful,

a = (i.string)

By doing so, unnecessary HTML tags could be deleted.

soup.find_all("dd", class_="l-price")

It's really convenient to be able to go to see classes and so on. I wish I knew earlier ... With a sudden need, the task of "collecting this and this from the site into a document" becomes easier at once.

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