[PYTHON] I tried to optimize while drying the laundry


I was told to "dry the laundry" and thought about it while drying it.

Laundry problem

Dry the laundry with the weight w = [7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17] one by one at the coordinates p = [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]. Find the drying method that minimizes the absolute value of the center of gravity when


For the formulation method, refer to Use Combinatorial Optimization.

Variables $ x_ {ijk} \ in \ {0, 1 \} $ $ i $ Laundry $ k at the third position $ j $ Whether to dry $
$ y $ Absolute value of the center of gravity
Objective function $ y $ $ \ rightarrow $ Minimum
Constraints $ \ sum ^ n_ {i = 0} {\ sum_j {\ sum_k {p [j] ~ w [k] ~ x_ {ijk}}}} \ le y $ $\forall n \in \{0, 1, \dots \}$
Place every time
Place in all positions
Place all laundry

Try to solve with python


from pulp import * # pip install pulp
def addvar(lowBound=0, var_count=[0], *args, **kwargs):
    var_count[0] += 1
    return LpVariable('v%d' % var_count[0], lowBound=lowBound, *args, **kwargs)

p = [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
w = [5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12]
r = range(len(p))
m = LpProblem()
x = [[[addvar(cat=LpBinary) for _ in r] for _ in r] for _ in r]
y = addvar()
m += y
for n in r:
    m += lpSum(x[n][j][k] for j in r for k in r) == 1
    m += lpSum(x[i][n][k] for i in r for k in r) == 1
    m += lpSum(x[i][j][n] for i in r for j in r) == 1
    if n:
        m += lpSum(p[j] * w[k] * x[i][j][k]
                   for i in range(n+1) for j in r for k in r) <= y
        m += lpSum(-p[j] * w[k] * x[i][j][k]
                   for i in range(n+1) for j in r for k in r) <= y
m += lpSum(x[0][len(p) // 2][k] for k in r) == 1
m += lpSum(x[1][j][k] for j in range(len(p) // 2) for k in r) == 1
%time m.solve()
print(LpStatus[m.status], value(m.objective))
Wall time: 2 s
Optimal 10.0

Since it can be placed at position coordinate 0 at any time, it is placed first. Also, the next one can be left or right, so it is fixed to the left.

Result display

for i in r:
    for j in r:
        for k in r:
            if value(x[i][j][k]) > 0.5:
                print(i, j, k)
0 3 6
1 2 4
2 5 3
3 1 2
4 6 0
5 0 1
6 4 5

Since there seem to be multiple optimal solutions, an approximate solution such as a local search method is probably more effective.


Using pandas in the formulation makes it easier to see as follows.


import pandas as pd
from pulp import * # pip install pulp
def addvar(lowBound=0, var_count=[0], *args, **kwargs):
    var_count[0] += 1
    return LpVariable('v%d' % var_count[0], lowBound=lowBound, *args, **kwargs)
def Σ(s, f=None):
    if not f:
        return lpSum(t.query(s.format(**globals())).x)
    return lpSum(t.query(s.format(**globals())).apply(f, axis=1))

p = [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3] #Coordinate
w = [5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12] #weight
r = range(len(p)) #range
m = LpProblem() #Mathematical model
t = pd.DataFrame([(i, j, k, addvar(cat=LpBinary))
    for i in r for j in r for k in r], columns=['Order', 'position', 'weight', 'x'])
y = addvar() #Absolute value of the center of gravity position
m += y #Objective function
for n in r:
    m += Σ('Order=={n}') == 1 # Order n で置くこと
    m += Σ('position=={n}') == 1 # position n に置くこと
    m += Σ('weight=={n}') == 1 #Putting laundry n
    if n:
        #The absolute value of the center of gravity position is y or less
        m += Σ('Order<={n}', lambda q: p[q.position] * w[q.weight] * q.x) <= y
        m += Σ('Order<={n}', lambda q: -p[q.position] * w[q.weight] * q.x) <= y
m += Σ('Order==0 &position==3') == 1 # Order 0 にposition 3 に置くこと
m += Σ('Order==1 &position<=2') == 1 # Order 1 にpositionが 2 以下に置くこと
print(LpStatus[m.status], value(m.objective))

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