The NEM blockchain is currently undergoing various preparations on the testnet for the launch of the next version of Symbol. In the midst of such timing, I feel that there is a great deal of documentation and reference information on how to build a node for the test net of the next version of Symbol. However, surprisingly, I had a hard time finding documentation and reference information on how to build the nodes of the current version of the NEM blockchain. (There may also be my own googleability issues ...) For my own reminder, I'll summarize in this article how to build a node for the current version of NEM (called NIS1 ... NEM Infrastructure Server) on Google Cloud Ploatform. If you have any mistakes or better ways, please let me know. Thank you.
NIS1 seems to use port 7890 for http and port 7778 for WebSocket. Also, it seems customary to use port 7891 for https and port 7779 for WebSocket (SSL). Create a firewall rule as shown in the example below. The name and target tag are free, but the target tag will be used later in the VM settings.
--Name: nem-http-allow
--Target tag: nem-http-allow
--Source IP range:
--Protocols and ports: Check the radio buttons for the specified protocol and port, check the checkbox to the left of "tcp", and enter 7890, 7778
to the right of it.
--Click "Create"
--Name: nem-https-allow
--Target tag: nem-https-allow
--Source IP range:
--Protocols and ports: Check the radio buttons for the specified protocol and port, check the checkbox to the left of "tcp", and enter 7891, 7779
to the right of it.
--Click "Create"
As a result of investigating in advance and listening to rumors, it seemed that heavy processing would run as it was, so at first I tried to set it to a higher spec. When the synchronization at the time of initial setting is completed and the state is stable, I think it is better to consider narrowing down the specifications considering the cost. The VM setting example is as follows.
--Name: nem-mainnet-1
--Region: asia-northeast1 (Tokyo)
--Zone: asia-northeast1-b
--Machine configuration
--Series: E2
--Machine type: Custom
--Number of cores: 2 vCPU
--Memory: 16 GB (I feel like I've secured too much, but ...)
--Boot disk
--Click "Change"
--Operating system: Ubuntu
--Version: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
--Boot disk type: Standard persistent disk
--Size: 400 GB (feeling too much secured ... omitted below)
--Click "Select" to save the boot disk settings
--"Allow HTTP traffic" check ON
--"Allow HTTPS traffic" check ON
--Click on Administration, Security, Disk, Networking, Single Hand Nancy and select the Networking tab
--Network tags: set nem-http-allow
and nem-https-allow
--Network interface: Click the edit icon to set
--Select "Create IP Address" from "Ephemeral" for "External IP", enter an appropriate name (for example, nem-mainnet-1) in the dialog, and click "Reserve".
--Click "Finish" to save the network interface settings
--Click "Create" to create the VM
After creating the VM, after a while, the startup of the VM is completed, and you can click the select list "SSH" in the column "Connect" in the list of VMs. .. Subsequent operations are mainly performed on that screen.
Java 8 is required to run NIS1, so install it. Let's do other updates as well. Execute the following command.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y openjdk-8-jdk
Execute the following command
java -version
If you get the following results, the installation is successful.
openjdk version "1.8.0_252"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_252-8u252-b09-1ubuntu1-b09)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.252-b09, mixed mode)
The tool for running NIS1 on Linux is compressed into a tgz file and distributed from the following URL, so download it, unzip it, and use it. Latest version as of May 30, 2020: Page with links to other versions and related data:
You can download it as the file name nis1.tgz with the following command. The file name of nis1.tgz can be anything as long as it has a .tgz extension, but please read the file name appropriately in the following decompression command.
curl -o nis1.tgz
(If you downloaded it with the file name nis1.tgz at the time of download) You can unzip it with the following command. When you unzip it, you will have a folder called package.
tar -xzvf nis1.tgz
Move to the package folder with the following command and
cd package
Open the file (shell script for starting the node) with an editor and modify it with the following command. Here is an example of using nano as the editor, but please use the editor of your choice.
At a minimum, the changes you need to make are:
With the default settings, it seems that there is not enough memory to start normally. This time, I created a VM with 16GB of memory, so I will take the plunge and try it as a setting that can use up to 14GB of memory for the NIS1 process. (Maybe even a slightly more conservative maximum memory allocation will work.)
to the beginning of the startup command and&
to the end of the startup commandWhen I run the node-initiated shell script by default, NIS1 runs in the foreground. This will force NIS1 to quit when you log off. By adding nohup
to the beginning of the startup command and&
to the end of the startup command, it seems that you can keep it running in the background even if you are not logged in.
cd nis
java -Xms512M -Xmx1G -cp ".:./*:../libs/*" org.nem.deploy.CommonStarter
cd -
cd nis
nohup java -Xms512M -Xmx14G -cp ".:./*:../libs/*" org.nem.deploy.CommonStarter &
cd -
If you use nano as the editor, to overwrite and save, first press "Ctrl" + "X", then "Y", and when the file name is displayed, press "Enter".
Now that you are ready to start the node, start the node with the following command.
Since it is set to operate in the background, no special message etc. is displayed on the screen even after startup, so hit the API to get the block height and node information from the outside and an appropriate value will be returned. Let's check. Please read the IP address according to your environment.
--Response example
Since it is just after launch, you can see that the synchronization has not been completed yet, and the synchronization has been completed only to a place much lower than the latest block height. This number will increase little by little, and when it catches up with the latest block height, node construction will be a break.
Originally, in order to shorten the time required for this synchronization, it is possible to separately download and expand the DB information of the blockchain up to the latest to some extent, so I would like to add that method somewhere. I am.
--Response example
"metaData": {
"features": 1,
"application": null,
"networkId": 104,
"version": "0.6.97-BETA",
"platform": "Private Build (1.8.0_252) on Linux"
"endpoint": {
"protocol": "http",
"port": 7890,
"host": ""
"identity": {
"public-key": "79140632da5b00327bba8d5cb3b258d04843c10520cb757fde1a5a859f0ae567"
In addition, if you hit the API of node information etc., you will deepen your confidence in your own settings. You can see that networkId 104 indicates MAIN_NET, which indicates the NIS1 and Java versions, as well as the API protocol, port and hostname. Also, what I found a little interesting is that a NEM account is automatically generated as an identity when the node is started and used as an identifier. (I wonder if these accounts are related to the harvest settings, etc.)
After working through it, I thought, "Is it just running a shell script?" (So, there are many parts that need not be explained ... and you may not be able to find much information such as a solid procedure ... Of course, it is done internally after starting the shell script. I get the impression that being there is very complicated ...)
Start it for the time being and leave it alone! If the level is good (≒ this article level), I got a simple impression.
However, where is the maximum memory value corrected, the default is foreground execution, and where is the NIS1 main program? I feel that there are some "addiction points" in that respect, so I felt happy for users who will build NIS1 in the future if there are no such addiction elements by default.
I would like to add the following contents in due course.
--Appropriate management such as service conversion --Domain settings --SSL --Harvest acceptance settings --Settings related to incentives after the launch of the next version
I referred to the following information. Thank you to all the pioneers.
--NIS1 node construction of NEM official blog: --NIS1 node SSL conversion of NEM official blog: --NIS1 node construction of testnet: --Mainnet NIS1 node construction: --NIS 1 node SSL:
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