[PYTHON] Implementation of JWT authentication functionality in Django REST Framework using djoser

What is djoser

djoser is a library that supports basic user authentication and registration on the Django REST Framework. It can also be used for custom models, and is designed for an architecture that fits better with a Single Page Application (SPA) rather than reusing Django's code.

Simpler authentication settings are explained at here.

This time I will write about the implementation of the authentication function using JWT (JSON Web Token) with djoser.

The source code is here

In addition, all of the following can be used as endpoints after installation.

/users/ /users/me/ /users/confirm/ /users/resend_activation/ /users/set_password/ /users/reset_password/ /users/reset_password_confirm/ /users/set_username/ /users/reset_username/ /users/reset_username_confirm/ /token/login/ (Token Based Authentication) /token/logout/ (Token Based Authentication) /jwt/create/ (JSON Web Token Authentication) /jwt/refresh/ (JSON Web Token Authentication) /jwt/verify/ (JSON Web Token Authentication) Getting started

How to use

First of all, from the installation.

$ pip install -U djoser

Since JWT authentication is used, you need to use simple_jwt as well.

$ pip install -U djangorestframework_simplejwt

First, make a project,

$ django-admin startproject djoser_authentication

Go within the project.

$ cd djoser_authentication

We'll set up Django.


from datetime import timedelta # add


    'rest_framework', # add
    'djoser' # add


# add
    #Set token to JWT
    #Token duration setting
    'ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME': timedelta(minutes=60)

# add


from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path,include #add

urlpatterns = [
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
    path('api/auth/',include('djoser.urls')), #add
    path('api/auth/',include('djoser.urls.jwt')), #add

Only this.

After this, migrate, create an Admin user and launch it locally.

$ python manage.py migrations
$ python manage.py createsuperuser
Username: Admin
Email address: [email protected]
$ python manage.py runserver

And in the browser http://localhost:8000/api/auth/ When you access ...

スクリーンショット 2020-04-19 21.14.38.png

It's the usual Django REST Framework screen.

Last time, when I accessed Users after this, a list of user information was returned, but what about this time?

スクリーンショット 2020-04-19 21.22.58.png

    "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided.

Is displayed. I can't show this because I'm not qualified for certification! !! about it.

So how do you get user information? To do this, you need to get a token for authentication.

So to get the token http://localhost:8000/api/auth/jwt/create To access.

スクリーンショット 2020-04-19 21.29.26.png

Then, the above screen will appear, so enter the Username and password you registered earlier.


スクリーンショット 2020-04-19 21.27.19.png

The tokens divided into the refrash and access fields as shown above are displayed.

Let's use this to get user information on the terminal. Execute the following command in the terminal.

curl -LX GET -H 'Authorization: JWT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

(Enter the token in xxxx)


{"email":"[email protected]","id":1,"username":"Admin"}

The user information you registered earlier has been returned!

There are many other features in djoser, so please try them out!

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