Building an environment that uses Python in Eclipse


I haven't played with Ecripce or Python so much, so It will be a memo when you actually touch it. Especially because I stumbled upon getting to be able to type the pip command I hope it will be helpful for those who want to start in the same way.

1. Download Eclipse from the following site


By selecting Ulimate or python, the python engine will be downloaded at the same time.

2. Start Eclipse and check the settings

Check that the path is correct in Window ⇒ Settings ⇒ PyDev ⇒ Interpreter

Reference) Problems here For some reason, the location path of python was wrong, and python not found. You need to specify the location correctly here. For those who downloaded with a package that includes python, It should be under jre_yyddmm \ pleiades \ python . Let's specify the hierarchy where python.exe is located.


3. Add library

As a method of adding a library, I could not use Anaconda etc. due to space limitations, so I would like to add a library using pip.

There is "Manage with pip" on the right side of the center of the setting screen, so click on it. image.png

This screen will appear. So let's specify the package name you want to use.

That ... it ends up being Finish without reacting. .. .. ..

(I stumbled here ... I forgot to take the capture ...)

The following solution

Launch command prompt and upgrade pip


Those who are not included in the environment variables can run it by specifying the exe file with the full path.

Then ... image.png Pip appeared on the previous screen.

After this, by using Manage with pip earlier You can install the package.

4. Create Model

Since it is listed on various sites from here, it is omitted, but There is a place to choose an interpreter when creating a project, so Be careful not to choose a different python than the interpreter you just added.

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