Here's what you can read this article:
--Viewer to select and display images --Pass parameters for image processing --Display the processed image
For a basic explanation of PySimPleGUI, please refer to If you use Tkinter, try using PySimpleGUI.
I saw the article Automatically generate ASCII art that made the above image, and it was interesting to actually move it. However, since the size of the image and the characters to be ASCII was fixed, I added a UI to that part. The conversion algorithm itself is borrowed from the original article. The file is applicable. The image display itself is based on the official Demo_Img_Viewer. The file is applicable.
It is located on github
#!/usr/bin/env python
import PySimpleGUI as sg
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import io
import os
import asci_art_transform as asci
Reference URL;
def get_img_data(f, maxsize=(600, 450), first=False):
"""Generate image data using PIL
print("open file:", f)
img =
if first: # tkinter is inactive the first time
bio = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG")
del img
return bio.getvalue()
return ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
filename = './model.jpg' #First file
asci_image = "./test.png "
image_elem = sg.Image(data=get_img_data(filename, first=True))
filename_display_elem = sg.Text(filename, size=(80, 3))
#It is not necessary to convert to asc at the time of initial display
# './model.jpg'May be angry
# asci_image = tranfa_asci('./model.jpg', './test.png', 16)
asc_image_elem = sg.Image(data=get_img_data(asci_image, first=True))
# define layout, show and read the form
col = [image_elem, asc_image_elem]
col_read_file = [sg.InputText('Select files', key='-INPUT-TEXT-', enable_events=True, ),
sg.FileBrowse('Read the file', key='-FILE-',
file_types=(('jpeg file', '*.jpg'), ('png', '*.png'),)),
layout = [col_read_file,
)], col]
window = sg.Window('Let's convert it to ASCII art', layout, return_keyboard_events=True,
location=(0, 0), use_default_focus=False)
# loop reading the user input and displaying image, filename
i = 0
while True:
# read the form
event, values =
print(event, values)
# perform button and keyboard operations
if event is None:
elif event == 'conversion':
if os.path.isfile(values['-INPUT-TEXT-']):
#Must be in a separate thread to animate
sg.popup_animated(sg.DEFAULT_BASE64_LOADING_GIF, message='Running',text_color='black', background_color='white', time_between_frames=100)
asci_image = asci.tranfa_asci(values['-INPUT-TEXT-'], asci_image, int(values['-FONT-SIZE-']))
print('End of conversion')
asc_image_elem.update(data=get_img_data(asci_image, first=True))
error_massage = values['-INPUT-TEXT-'] + 'Does not exist'
sg.popup('error', error_massage)
elif values['-FILE-'] != '':
if os.path.isfile(values['-INPUT-TEXT-']):
image_elem.update(data=get_img_data(values['-INPUT-TEXT-'], first=True))
The procedure is as follows.
sg.InputText('Select files', key='-INPUT-TEXT-', enable_events=True, ),
sg.FileBrowse('Read the file', key='-FILE-', file_types=(('jpeg file', '*.jpg'), ('png', '*.png'),)
The layout of the file diagnosis.
The initial image is displayed at startup as follows.
image_elem = sg.Image(data=get_img_data(filename, first=True))
contains a fixed image file.
--Reference: Official Description of Image Element
I'm using get_img_data ()
to display the image. This method uses the same function used in the official Demo_Img_Viewer.
def get_img_data(f, maxsize=(600, 450), first=False):
"""Generate image data using PIL
print("open file:", f)
img =
if first: # tkinter is inactive the first time
bio = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG")
del img
return bio.getvalue()
return ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
The corresponding file is opened using pillow, and the one saved in png format is displayed using pillow's ʻImage Tk`. --Reference: [ImageTk module description] in the official pillow reference (
PySimpleGUI is a wrapper for tkinter, so I think one of its strengths is that you can use other libraries created like tkinter.
The following part actually displays the read file.
image_elem.update(data=get_img_data(values['-INPUT-TEXT-'], first=True))
The read file is specified. We are now using ʻupdate ()` to update the display.
Set the size of the font to be converted with the slider
You can get the slider value below.
event, values =
The file is read and output to the converted "test.png " file.
asci_image = asci.tranfa_asci(values['-INPUT-TEXT-'], "asci_image", int(values['-FONT-SIZE-']))
ASCII art image file "test.png " will be displayed.
asc_image_elem.update(data=get_img_data(asci_image, first=True))
PySimpleGUI makes it easy to create an image processing viewer that reads an image, adds parameters and converts it. In the official Demo, there are samples using OpenCV other than pillow. There is also a sample program that uses day planning to color black and white images.
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