The libraries for calculating and drawing Voronoi diagrams in Python include scipy.spatial.Voronoi
and scipy.spatial.voronoi_plot_2d
For details on these, refer to the following sites.
However, since the Voronoi diagrams created by these libraries are calculated in an unbounded (unbounded) space, it is not possible to obtain information on the outer Voronoi side or Voronoi region (polygon). Therefore, this time, I will introduce a method of dividing a closed area into Voronoi diagrams.
For the part that makes the Voronoi region bounded, I referred to this article. The general flow is as follows.
4.3 Draw the polygon obtained in 3.import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, voronoi_plot_2d
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
def bounded_voronoi(bnd, pnts):
A function that calculates and draws bounded Voronoi diagrams.
#Added 3 dummy mother points to make the Voronoi region of all mother points bounded
gn_pnts = np.concatenate([pnts, np.array([[100, 100], [100, -100], [-100, 0]])])
#Voronoi diagram calculation
vor = Voronoi(gn_pnts)
#Polygon for the area to be divided
bnd_poly = Polygon(bnd)
#List to store each Voronoi area
vor_polys = []
#Repeat for non-dummy mother points
for i in range(len(gn_pnts) - 3):
#Voronoi region that does not consider closed space
vor_poly = [vor.vertices[v] for v in vor.regions[vor.point_region[i]]]
#Calculate the intersection of the Voronoi area for the area to be divided
i_cell = bnd_poly.intersection(Polygon(vor_poly))
#Stores the vertex coordinates of the Voronoi region considering the closed space
#Drawing a Voronoi diagram
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
#Mother point
ax.scatter(pnts[:,0], pnts[:,1])
#Voronoi area
poly_vor = PolyCollection(vor_polys, edgecolor="black",
facecolors="None", linewidth = 1.0)
xmin = np.min(bnd[:,0])
xmax = np.max(bnd[:,0])
ymin = np.min(bnd[:,1])
ymax = np.max(bnd[:,1])
ax.set_xlim(xmin-0.1, xmax+0.1)
ax.set_ylim(ymin-0.1, ymax+0.1)
return vor_polys
Dividing the unit square using the above function gives the following.
#Voronoi division area
bnd = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]])
#Number of mother points
n = 30
#Mother point coordinates
pnts = np.random.rand(n, 2)
#Calculation and drawing of Voronoi diagram
vor_polys = bounded_voronoi(bnd, pnts)
A general convex polygon that is not a square can be divided in the same way.
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
def points_in_convex_polygon(bnd, n):
A function that randomly generates n points inside a convex polygon.
#Creating a matrix that represents the boundaries of a region
bndhull = ConvexHull(bnd)
bndTmp = bndhull.equations
bndMat = np.matrix(bndTmp)
Abnd = np.array(bndMat[:,0:2])
bbnd = np.array(bndMat[:,2])
#Rectangle surrounding the area
xmin = np.min(bnd[:,0])
xmax = np.max(bnd[:,0])
ymin = np.min(bnd[:,1])
ymax = np.max(bnd[:,1])
#For repetition
i = 0
pnts = []
while i < n:
#Generate points
pnt = np.random.rand(2)
pnt[0] = xmin + (xmax - xmin) * pnt[0]
pnt[1] = ymin + (ymax - ymin) * pnt[1]
#If the point is inside a convex polygon
if (np.round(,pnt.transpose()),7) <= np.round(-bbnd.transpose(),7)).all():
i += 1
return np.array(pnts)
#Voronoi division area
bnd = np.array([[0.1,0.4],[0.3,0.2],[0.8,0.3],[0.9,0.6],[0.7,0.7],[0.4,0.7],[0.2,0.6]])
#Number of mother points
n = 10
#Mother point coordinates
pnts = points_in_convex_polygon(bnd, n)
#Calculation and drawing of Voronoi diagram
vor_polys = bounded_voronoi(bnd, pnts)
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