[PYTHON] How to compare lists and retrieve common elements in a list

Sometimes I wanted to compare two lists with strings as elements and retrieve the common elements as a list. Well, I can do it, but I wondered how to do it myself and thought about it.

For example

Suppose you have two lists like this, tag_list and src_list, and you want to retrieve common elements as a list.

tag_list=['igarashi', 'kubo', 'iguchi']
src_list=['taniguchi', 'matsushita', 'koyama', 'asama', 
          'marui', 'igarashi', 'kubo', 'kondo']

tag_list has three elements. ʻIgarashiandkubo are also in src_list, but since there is no ʻiguchi, the expected value is['igarashi','kubo'].

1. Turn each list with a for statement to extract elements and compare them.

matched_list = []
for tag in tag_list:
    for src in src_list:
        if tag == src:

The first thing that came to my mind was, of course, this. It's easy to understand, but the indentation is deep and light.

2. One list is a for statement and the other is a filter function to retrieve and compare elements.

matched_list = []
for tag in tag_list:
    matched_list+=filter(lambda str: str == tag, src_list)

I wanted to use the list operation functions, filter (), map (), reduce (), so I tried my best. Is it intuitive for modern people who are accustomed to languages with abundant array manipulation functions?

3. Convert the list to set and AND it. Convert the result to a list

src_set = set(src_list)
tag_set = set(tag_list)
matched_list = list(src_set & tag_set)

When I googled, something like this suddenly came out. In a sense, it's intuitive. Is it the point that aggregate types have no order? I learned that it can be used in such cases.

So in the end, how is it best to write?

Is it easy to understand, readability, refreshing, python-like, and has advantages and disadvantages? I thought. More and more! Is there a way to write it? Also, is there a difference in processing speed? I was also worried. Next time, I will make a large sample data and measure it.

Sample source

cmp_list.py https://github.com/yamao2253/qiita

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