Automatic operation of Chrome with Python + Selenium + pandas

Automatic operation of Chrome with Python + Selenium + pandas


As the title says

The sample reads two columns of Excel in sequence. Just do a Google search with two keywords

However, technically, if you prepare this much, the rest will be applied Automatic input from a huge amount of Excel for web-based slip system I think it is possible to do what is called RPA.

Usage environment

Python 3.8.1 Visual Studio Code 1.41.1 openpyxl 3.0.3 pandas 1.0.3 selenium 3.141.0

Prepared Excel image


Source code

#Python + Selenium +Automatic operation of Chrome with pandas
import time
from selenium import webdriver
import chromedriver_binary
import pandas as pd

#Open Excel with search words in pandas
search_value_table = pd.read_excel(".\\search_word.xlsx", dtype=str)

#Open Chrome and open Google with selenium. And a little weight
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

#Repeated search
for index, row in search_value_table.iterrows():
    #Connect two search terms with a space
    search_word = row['Search name 1'] + " " + row['Search name 2']

    #Find Google search box find_element_by_name
    search_box = driver.find_element_by_name("q")


    #Click the Google logo to go back


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