Gradle settings memo (multi-project to all in one) for myself

Gradle 5.4.1


│  ├─sub-sample1
│  │  └─src
│  │      ├─main
│  │      │  ├─java
│  │      │  │  └─sample
│  │      │  │      └─subs
│  │      │  │    
│  │      │  │
│  │      │  └─resources
│  │      │       └─subs
│  │      │               subSample1.txt
│  │      └─test
│  │          ├─java
│  │          └─resources
│  └─sub-sample1
│      └─src
│          ├─main
│          │  ├─java
│          │  │  └─sample
│          │  │      └─subs
│          │  │    
│          │  │
│          │  └─resources
│          │      └─subs
│          │              subSample2.txt
│          │
│          └─test
│              ├─java
│              └─resources
    │  ├─java
    │  │
    │  │
    │  └─resources
    │          sample.txt


allprojects {
    apply plugin: 'java'
    group 'sample'
    version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
    sourceCompatibility = 1.8
    targetCompatibility = 1.8
    compileJava.options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
    repositories { mavenCentral() }
    dependencies { testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12' }

dependencies { 
    compile project(':sub:sub-sample1')
    compile project(':sub:sub-sample2')

def mainProjects = [':sub:sub-sample1', ':sub:sub-sample2']
task allInJar(type:Jar, dependsOn: mainProjects.collect({ it+':compileJava' })){
    dependsOn build
    baseName =
    manifest.attributes 'Main-Class': 'Main'
    def javaSubDir = "/classes/java/main"
    def resourcesSubDir = "/resources/main"
    from(buildDir.path + javaSubDir,
            files(mainProjects.collect{ project(it).buildDir.path + javaSubDir }))
    from(buildDir.path + resourcesSubDir,
            files(mainProjects.collect{ project(it).buildDir.path + resourcesSubDir }))

Run with gradlew all In Jar. task:build << allInJar


│  Main.class
│  sample.txt
│      sample1.txt
│      sample2.txt

reference; Thorough introduction to Gradle Building an automation platform with next-generation build tools (written by Takuma Watabiki, Nobuhiro Sue, Masatoshi Hayashi, Katsunobu Imai) java – Can I Gradle multiple projects into one jar file?

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