Gradle TIPS collection (for myself)

Execution system

How to perform subproject tasks in a multi-project configuration

# gradle :<Subproject name>:<Task name>
$ ./gradlew :doxer-core:clean :doxer-core:build :doxer-core:install 

Setting system

Dependency version range / latest

dependencies {
  compile 'aaa:bbb:1.4+' // 1.4 or more
  compile 'ccc:ddd:latest.integration' //newest version
  compile 'eee:fff:latest.milestone' //Milestone version
  compile 'ggg:hhh:latest.release' //Release version

Setting to make an error when a dependent version conflict occurs / Setting to forcibly fix the dependent version

configurations.compile {
  resolutionStrategy {
    force 'aaa:bbb:1.4'


Set system properties at run time(application plugin)

applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ["-Djava.library.path=./hoge"]


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