English translation of Pleiades All in One
If you use Pleiades All in One in Japanese, Quick Access Function Since it is not possible to narrow down by English words with /) or error messages such as CheckStyle cannot be read in the original text, it has been translated into English.
Pleiades All in One English localization procedure
- Before launching Eclipse immediately after installation, you need to perform the following steps.
- For macOS, the following "[Pleiades installation folder] \ eclipse" will be "/ Applications / Eclipse_ (version) / Contents /". You can open it by selecting the "Show Pacakge Contents" menu from the Finder's context menu.
- Delete the "[Pleiades installation folder] \ eclipse \ dropsins \ MergeDoc" directory
- Change the "[Pleiades installation folder] \ eclipse \ eclipse.ini" file
- Removed the line "-javaagent: drops / MergeDoc / eclipse / plugins / jp.sourceforge.mergedoc.pleiades / pleiades.jar"
- Add "-Duser.language = en_US" to the last line
- For macOS, run "xattr -rc /Applications/Eclipse_(version).app" from the Terminal app