I tried to organize the cases used in programming

Let's sort out the "~~~ cases" used during programming.

Camel case

When connecting multiple words, the rule is to write the first letter in lowercase and the second and subsequent words in uppercase.


hello world -> helloWorld
programing language -> programingLanguage
osaka city -> osakaCity

Usage example

-Java method names and variable names

Snake case

When connecting multiple words, the rule is to connect the words with "_ (underscore)".


hello world -> hello_world
programing language -> programing_language
osaka city -> osaka_city

Usage example

-Relational database table names and column names

Pascal case

The rule is to capitalize the first letter of a word when connecting multiple words.


hello world -> HelloWorld
programing language -> ProgramingLanguage
osaka city -> OsakaCity

Usage example

-Java object (class) name

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