Specify the lighting Model of SCN Material in Pythonista


Swift structs and constants in Pythonista? I thought I couldn't change the lightingModel of SCNMaterial, which I couldn't access well and could change the texture of the model significantly, but I've found a way to do it.

setLightingModelName_(string name)

lightingModel is a property of SCNMaterial, but you can change it by using the setLightingModelName_ function.

The argument is a character string, and the following character strings can be specified.

class SCNLightingModel:
	blinn = 'SCNLightingModelBlinn'
	constant = 'SCNLightingModelConstant'
	lambert = 'SCNLightingModelLambert'
	phong = 'SCNLightingModelPhong'
	physicallyBased = 'SCNLightingModelPhysicallyBased'
	shadowOnly = 'SCNLightingModelShadowOnly'

Sample source


import objc_util
from objc_util import *
import ui


SCNView,SCNNode,SCNScene,SCNCamera,SCNLight,SCNBox,SCNMaterial = map(ObjCClass, ['SCNView','SCNNode','SCNScene','SCNCamera','SCNLight','SCNBox','SCNMaterial'])

class SCNLightingModel:
	blinn = 'SCNLightingModelBlinn'
	constant = 'SCNLightingModelConstant'
	lambert = 'SCNLightingModelLambert'
	phong = 'SCNLightingModelPhong'
	physicallyBased = 'SCNLightingModelPhysicallyBased'
	shadowOnly = 'SCNLightingModelShadowOnly'

def main():
	main_view = ui.View()
	main_view_objc = ObjCInstance(main_view)
	# View
	scene_view = SCNView.alloc().initWithFrame_options_(((0, 0),(400, 400)), None).autorelease()
	# UIView.autoresizingMask = flexibleWidth(2) | flexibleHeight(16)
	scene = SCNScene.scene()
	node_root = scene.rootNode()
	# material
	material = SCNMaterial.material()
	# box geometry
	geom_box = SCNBox.boxWithWidth_height_length_chamferRadius_(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.2)	
	node_box = SCNNode.nodeWithGeometry_(geom_box)
	# camera
	camera = SCNCamera.camera()
	node_camera = SCNNode.node()
	# Light
	light = SCNLight.light()
	node_light = SCNNode.node()
	main_view.name = 'scene kit'


The relationship between SCNMaterial's struct LightingModel and SCNLightingModel is a mystery.


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