[PYTHON] In Vim: set to output html from markdown using pandoc with make

It's not necessary to summarize it, but as an amnesia. Like MacOSX

brew install pandoc

To install pandoc. Prepare the following script. Name it as make_markdown.py and put it in an appropriate folder.

import sys
import glob
import commands

param = sys.argv
if (len(param) == 2):
    f = param[1]
    h = f[0:-3] + '.html'
    command = "pandoc %s -s -o %s" % (f, h)

Add the following to vimrc.

au FileType markdown setlocal makeprg=python\ ~/dotfiles/make_markdown.py\ %

Here, I installed it in ~ / dotfiles / make_markdown.py. This will issue a file like ʻa.html to ʻa.md with the: make command. If you want to do something richer, you should probably install vim-pandoc.

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