[LINUX] What to do if ubuntu says your password is too short to change [passwd command] [ubuntu]

I changed my password on ubuntu. Before changing ●●●● ⇛ After changing ●●●●●●●●●●●

After all, I thought that 4 letters would be better, so I decided to return to ●●●●. When I want to change it, I can't press change. (゚ Д ゚) Password is too short. It is . Screenshot from 2020-08-15 13-14-35.png

I tried it on the terminal.

$ sudo passwd -f

It was no good (^ ^;) Screenshot from 2020-08-15 13-15-22.png

I looked it up on google. passwd short password

Result of investigation

How to set a short password on Ubuntu?

$ sudo passwd [username]

Replace [Username] with the username whose password you want to change.

$ sudo passwd ichiri
[sudo]ichiri password: #Enter your current password
new password: #new passwordを入力
Please re-enter your new password: #Re-enter new password(Be careful)
passwd:Password updated correctly#success

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