Today's python error: SyntaxError Non-ASCII character

Program change (5) python median

Encountered while working trying to check with docker.

Installed with apt install python2.7 with docker. Edit with vi

# python2.7
  File "", line 4
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe8' in file on line 4, but no encoding declared; see for details

The contents of the python file

data = [100, 300, 423, 328, 516, 412]

data.sort() # **?~E large?~K**

if len(data) % 2 == 0: # ?~C??~B??~C~H?~A??~A?| ?~A??~U??~A??~G?~U??~C??~A??~~
    # ?~A??~U??~A??~A~W?~A~_
    m1 = len(data) / 2
    m2 = (len(data) / 2) + 1
    # ?~U??~U??~A??~I?~O~[?~A~W?~A??~M place?~P~H?~B~O?~A~[
    m1 = int(m1) - 1
    m2 = int(m2) - 1
    print(data[m1] + data[m2]) / 2
    # ?~G?~U??~A??~A~W?~A~_
    m = (len(data) + 1) / 2
    m = int(m) - 1

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