Today's python error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named'bs4'

Program change (2) Python3: URL as command line argument (wikipedia)

Work is being carried out with docker.

docker (89) python2, python3 with docker


# pip install bs4
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7. More details about Python 2 support in pip, can be found at
Collecting bs4
Collecting beautifulsoup4
  Downloading (106kB)
     |################################| 112kB 1.7MB/s 
Collecting soupsieve>=1.2
Collecting backports.functools-lru-cache; python_version < "3"
Building wheels for collected packages: bs4
  Building wheel for bs4 ( ... done
  Created wheel for bs4: filename=bs4-0.0.1-cp27-none-any.whl size=1273 sha256=79b8b3765197c5d2662611ba7f1199b00147c4741c41f4dc9cdc82d0f08f0609
  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/a0/b0/b2/4f80b9456b87abedbc0bf2d52235414c3467d8889be38dd472
Successfully built bs4
Installing collected packages: backports.functools-lru-cache, soupsieve, beautifulsoup4, bs4
Successfully installed backports.functools-lru-cache-1.6.1 beautifulsoup4-4.8.2 bs4-0.0.1 soupsieve-1.9.5

# pip3 install bs4
Collecting bs4
  Cache entry deserialization failed, entry ignored
  Cache entry deserialization failed, entry ignored
Collecting beautifulsoup4 (from bs4)
  Cache entry deserialization failed, entry ignored
  Downloading (106kB)
    100% |################################| 112kB 2.4MB/s 
Collecting soupsieve>=1.2 (from beautifulsoup4->bs4)
  Cache entry deserialization failed, entry ignored
  Cache entry deserialization failed, entry ignored
Building wheels for collected packages: bs4
  Running bdist_wheel for bs4 ... done
  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/a0/b0/b2/4f80b9456b87abedbc0bf2d52235414c3467d8889be38dd472
Successfully built bs4
Installing collected packages: soupsieve, beautifulsoup4, bs4
Successfully installed beautifulsoup4-4.8.2 bs4-0.0.1 soupsieve-1.9.5

# python2.7
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    from urllib.request import urlopen
ImportError: No module named request

# python3.8
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 8, in <module>
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bs4'

# pip install urllib
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement urllib (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for urllib

# pip3 install urllib
Collecting urllib
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/", line 215, in main
    status =, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/commands/", line 353, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/", line 749, in build
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/req/", line 380, in prepare_files
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/req/", line 554, in _prepare_file
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/req/", line 278, in populate_link = finder.find_requirement(self, upgrade)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/", line 465, in find_requirement
    all_candidates = self.find_all_candidates(
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/", line 423, in find_all_candidates
    for page in self._get_pages(url_locations, project_name):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/", line 568, in _get_pages
    page = self._get_page(location)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/", line 683, in _get_page
    return HTMLPage.get_page(link, session=self.session)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/", line 795, in get_page
  File "/usr/share/python-wheels/requests-2.18.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl/requests/", line 935, in raise_for_status
    raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:

URLlib error

Install urllib with pip3

# pip3 install urllib3
Collecting urllib3
  Downloading (125kB)
    100% |################################| 133kB 1.7MB/s 
Installing collected packages: urllib3
Successfully installed urllib3-1.25.7
# python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 15, in <module>
    url = "" + urllib.parse.quote(args[1])
IndexError: list index out of range

Document history

ver. 0.01 First draft 20191230 Afternoon ver. 0.02 urllib3 Addendum 20191230 Night

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