If the remainder of dividing a by b is K or more, it is confirmed that b is K + 1 or more. The remainder of dividing by b is 0..b-1, and the number of K or more that appears in this one cycle is b. --K. Since a is N or less, the number of cycles is N / b. After that, it is necessary to think about the remainder of the cycle, but since N starts from 1, the cycle is 1, 2, ..., Note that the order is b --1, 0. That is, if N% b is n, then 1, 2, ..., n, and the number of K = 0 and K = 1 is the same.
N, K = map(int, input().split())
result = 0
for b in range(K + 1, N + 1):
result += (N // b) * (b - K) + max(N % b - max(K - 1, 0), 0)
The number of layers of the level L burger and the number of patties contained in it are N ≤ 50, so it can be calculated easily (and the formula to be calculated can be easily derived without rotating the loop). The rest is recursive until X is exhausted. If you encounter a level L burger and the remaining X is greater than the level L burger, reduce X by that number of layers, add that number of patties to the counter, and if it is smaller, level L -1 burger. Just go inside.
N, X = map(int, input().split())
def f(N, X):
result = 0
if X >= 1:
X -= 1
return result
if X >= 2 ** ((N - 1) + 2) - 3:
X -= 2 ** ((N - 1) + 2) - 3
result += 2 ** ((N - 1) + 1) - 1
return result + f(N - 1, X)
if X >= 1:
X -= 1
result += 1
return result
if X >= 2 ** ((N - 1) + 2) - 3:
X -= 2 ** ((N - 1) + 2) - 3
result += 2 ** ((N - 1) + 1) - 1
return result + f(N - 1, X)
if X >= 1:
X -= 1
return result
return result
print(f(N, X))
If you have 3 or more dub cards, you can reduce 2 duplications without reducing the number of card types no matter how you choose 3. If you have 2 dub cards, you can buy 2 dub cards on one side. One duplicating card can reduce duplication to 0 without reducing the number of card types. If there is one duplicating card, two duplicating cards and one other card can reduce the number of card types. Can be reduced by 1 but the duplication can be reduced to 0. After all, the answer is the number of card types minus 1 if the number of duplications is odd and 0 if it is even.
N = int(input())
A = list(map(int, input().split()))
t = len(set(A))
if (len(A) - t) % 2 == 0:
print(t - 1)
If p i </ sub> = i, just swap with p i </ sub> and p i + 1 </ sub> and count the number of times. P Swap with the previous p N-1 </ sub> only when N </ sub> = N. Since p i </ sub> is a permutation of 1..N, If you swap, it will always be p i </ sub>! = I, and of course p i + 1 </ sub>! = I, so p i + 1 </ sub> is always okay. It is clear that it is best to do it in order so that the continuous p i </ sub> = i that can be processed in one time is not processed in two times.
N = int(input())
p = list(map(int, input().split()))
result = 0
for i in range(N - 1):
if p[i] != i + 1:
result += 1
p[i], p[i + 1] = p[i + 1], p[i]
if p[N - 1] == N:
result += 1
It's obvious to use a sized UnionFind by all means, then just sort by year and add roads in sequence to see how many cities people can come and go.
from sys import setrecursionlimit
def find(parent, i):
t = parent[i]
if t < 0:
return i
t = find(parent, t)
parent[i] = t
return t
def unite(parent, i, j):
i = find(parent, i)
j = find(parent, j)
if i == j:
parent[j] += parent[i]
parent[i] = j
setrecursionlimit(10 ** 5)
N, M = map(int, input().split())
roads = []
for _ in range(M):
a, b, y = map(int, input().split())
roads.append((y, a - 1, b - 1))
Q = int(input())
citizen = []
for i in range(Q):
v, w = map(int, input().split())
citizen.append((w, v - 1, i))
parent = [-1] * N
results = [None] * Q
t = 0
for c in sorted(citizen, reverse=True):
while t < M and roads[t][0] > c[0]:
unite(parent, find(parent, roads[t][1]), find(parent, roads[t][2]))
t += 1
results[c[2]] = -parent[find(parent, c[1])]
print(*results, sep='\n')
When L = XXXX, the number of pairs satisfying the condition is n. When L = 1XXXX, the number of pairs satisfying the condition is 0 to 1111 and the number of pairs satisfying the condition and 10000 to 1XXXX. By the way, if YYYY + ZZZZ = YYYY xor ZZZZ, then 1YYYY + ZZZZ = 1YYYY xor ZZZZ holds, and YYYY + 1ZZZZ = YYYY xor 1ZZZZ also holds. 2 * n.
The number of pairs that satisfy the condition when L = 1 is (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), which is three. The number of pairs that satisfy the condition when L = 11 is as described above. The sum of 0 to 1 = 3 and 10 to 11 = 2 * 3 gives 3 * 3 = 9. Similarly, L = 111 becomes 9 * 3 = 27 and L = 1111 becomes 3 4 </ sup>. = 81. As a result, when L = 1XXXX, the number of pairs that satisfy the condition is 2 * n + 3 4 </ sup>.
At this point, you can calculate the answer one digit at a time from the last digit.
L = input()
result = 1
t = 1
for c in L[::-1]:
if c == '1':
result = result * 2 + t
result %= 1000000007
t *= 3
t %= 1000000007
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