I couldn't solve it during the contest because other errands entered during the contest. Also, I have a lot of ABC reviews, so I will not do a new virtual console today tomorrow. The FX I'm doing now hasn't been cut off, so I'd like to organize that area well.
You just have to decide whether you can talk directly or indirectly.
print("Yes" if abs(a-c)<=d or (abs(a-b)<=d and abs(b-c)<=d) else "No")
Such problems related to exponentiation and division have issued WA multiple times even though errors are likely to occur. For such problems, I want to be careful to separate cases at the boundary and avoid using functions such as ceil, floor, and log.
for i in range(2,x+1):
while True:
if a<=x:
The K-th smallest one is calculated in the dictionary order, but the dictionary order is calculated by ** alphabetical order ** and ** length **. At first, I wrote the code focusing on the ** alphabetical order ** and TLE it, but when I added the ** length ** constraint to it, I was able to AC.
alp=[chr(i) for i in range(97, 97+26)]
for i in range(26):
for j in range(l):
if s[j]==alp[i]:
for m in range(j,min(l,j+k)):
if len(ans)>=k:
I couldn't solve it because I had something to do during the virtual console, but it wasn't that difficult. ** There was a feeling that elements that can be replaced (may go through multiple replacements) can be replaced without replacing other elements **, so I passed it without proof ( ✳︎ 1). ** I think it's hard to do uncertified things on a regular basis **, so I regret it. Assuming this is correct, we will create a Union-Find tree ** with a set containing replaceable elements as a disjoint set, and then use the grouping function to separate each set. If the processing up to this point can be performed, the rest should be considered when $ p_i = i $ holds as much as possible for the elements contained in each disjoint set. Here, since the disjoint set contains the index value, it can be obtained by ** taking the product set (intersection) of the disjoint set and the set of elements of p whose index is that element **. .. You can find the maximum value of i such that $ p_i = i $ by setting_intersection with the set you want to find as an argument and finding the total length of the intersection for each disjoint set. (✳︎2)
(✳︎1)… The mathematical proof is written in Answer, so I will skip it, but the sensory proof is as follows. I will.
(✳︎2)… For how to use set_intersection, I referred to this blog.
//Reference: http://ehafib.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/12/23/164517
#include<algorithm>//sort,Binary search,Such
#include<bitset>//Fixed length bit set
#include<cmath>//pow,log etc.
#include<complex>//Complex number
#include<deque>//Queue for double-ended access
#include<functional>//sort greater
#include<iomanip>//setprecision(Floating point output error)
#include<iostream>//Input / output
#include<numeric>//iota(Generation of integer sequence),gcd and lcm(c++17)
#include<unordered_map>//Map with iterator but not keeping order
#include<unordered_set>//Set with iterator but not keeping order
#include<vector>//Variable length array
#include<iterator>//set_intersection,set_union,set_Because of difference
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
#define REP(i,n) for(ll i=0;i<(ll)(n);i++)
#define REPD(i,n) for(ll i=(ll)(n)-1;i>=0;i--)
#define FOR(i,a,b) for(ll i=(a);i<=(b);i++)
#define FORD(i,a,b) for(ll i=(a);i>=(b);i--)
#define ALL(x) (x).begin(),(x).end() //I want to omit arguments such as sort
#define SIZE(x) ((ll)(x).size()) //size to size_Change from t to ll
#define MAX(x) *max_element(ALL(x))
#define INF 1000000000000 //10^12
#define MOD 10000007 //10^9+7
#define PB push_back
#define MP make_pair
#define F first
#define S second
#define MAXR 100000 //10^5:Maximum range(Used for prime number enumeration etc.)
//Reference: https://pyteyon.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/03/11/200000
//Reference: https://qiita.com/ofutonfuton/items/c17dfd33fc542c222396
class UnionFind {
vector<ll> parent; //parent[i]Is the parent of i
vector<ll> siz; //An array representing the size of the disjoint sets(Initialize with 1)
map<ll,vector<ll>> group;
//Of the constructor:Behind is initializing member variables
UnionFind(ll n):parent(n),siz(n,1){ //Initialize as everything is root at first
for(ll i=0;i<n;i++){parent[i]=i;}
ll root(ll x){ //Recursively get the root of the tree to which the data x belongs
if(parent[x]==x) return x;
//The value of the assignment expression will be the value of the assigned variable!
//Path compression(Streamline calculations by connecting elements directly to the roots)
return parent[x]=root(parent[x]);
//Update the parent when recursion
void unite(ll x,ll y){ //Merge x and y trees
ll rx=root(x);//The root of x is rx
ll ry=root(y);//y root ry
if(rx==ry) return; //When in the same tree
//Merge a small set into a large set(Merged from ry to rx)
if(siz[rx]<siz[ry]) swap(rx,ry);
parent[ry]=rx; //If x and y are not in the same tree, add y root ry to x root rx
bool same(ll x,ll y){//Returns whether the tree to which x and y belong is the same
ll rx=root(x);
ll ry=root(y);
return rx==ry;
ll size(ll x){ //Disjoint size
return siz[root(x)];
void grouping(ll n){ //Grouping of disjoint sets
for(ll i=0;i<n;i++){
signed main(){
ll n,m;cin >> n >> m;
UnionFind uf(n);
vector<ll> p(n);REP(i,n){cin >> p[i];p[i]-=1;}
ll x,y;cin>>x>>y;
ll ans=0;
for(auto j=uf.group.begin();j!=uf.group.end();j++){
vector<ll> value=j->S;
//REP(i,value.size()) cout << value[i] << " ";
vector<ll> vecinter;
vector<ll> value2;REP(i,value.size()) value2.PB(p[value[i]]);
//Don't forget to sort
//cout << ans << endl;
//cout << endl;
cout << ans << endl;
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