Expand a Python nested dictionary to do something like Pandas' MultiIndex

Thing you want to do

――I want to expand a nested dictionary by connecting it with an underscore. --Input: d1 = {'A': {'i': 0,'j': 1},'B': {'i': 2,'j': 3}} Data that contains a dictionary --Output: d2 = {'A_i': 0,'A_j': 1,'B_i': 2,'B_j': 3}, open data in one dimension

Function (Not Smart)

--In the end, nested dictionaries have a tree structure. ――As an image, the process is like breaking a tree structure and directly connecting the roots and ends. --A recursive function seems to be good when it comes to implementing it like a depth-first search.

So I wrote the following code.

#key change
def changekey(dict,k1,k2):
    dict[k2] = dict[k1]
    del dict[k1]

#Add modifiers to all keys with underscores
def addkeyheader(dict,key):
    ks = list(dict.keys())
    for k in ks:

#After performing a depth-first search of the favorite function, the element names are combined and returned.
def dict_flatten(dict_,depth=2):
    newdict = {}
    for key in list(dict_.keys()):
        #If the element is also dict, call it recursively
        if isinstance(dict_[key], dict):
            if depth > 0:
                dic = dict_flatten(dict_[key],depth-1)
                newdict[key] = dict_[key]
        #If the element is not a dict, leave it as it is
            newdict[key] = dict_[key]
    return newdict

Smarter implementation

In the comments, I told you about a smarter implementation.

def _unwrap(dct, prefix):
    for key, value in dct.items():
        new_key = f'{prefix}_{key}'
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            yield from _unwrap(value, new_key)
            yield new_key[1:], value       

def unwrap(dct):
    return dict(_unwrap(dct, ''))

d2 = unwrap(d1)

Expected usage

--The nested dict is arranged in two dimensions as shown below (Reference). --Unlike this, there are times when you just want to arrange the data.

When the Input is converted, it becomes as follows.

>> pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d1)
   A  B
i  0  2
j  1  3

The output is converted as follows.

>> pd.DataFrame(d2,index=[""])
  A_i  A_j  B_i  B_j
    0    1    2    3

I thought it was a good idea, but I didn't understand pandas very well.

Can be decomposed naturally using MultiIndex in Pandas

You can edit it with the MultiIndex function in practice without having to disassemble it. https://qiita.com/Morinikiz/items/40faa91e7a83807c0552

--It can be summarized by stacking () or unstack () df. --Stack can put the column side at a high level, unstack can put the row side at a high level ――However, why is the behavior opposite to Explanation here?

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(d1)
>>> df
   A  B
i  0  2
j  1  3
>>> df.unstack()
A  i    0
   j    1
B  i    2
   j    3
dtype: int64
>>> df.stack()
i  A    0
   B    2
j  A    1
   B    3
dtype: int64

To return to the Data Frame, use to_frame () at the end.

>>> df.unstack().to_frame("name")
A i     0
  j     1
B i     2
  j     3

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