[PYTHON] Create an application by classifying with Pygame

What is python

A versatile language that can do almost anything except system software (embedded software). [GUI](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B0%E3%83%A9%E3%83%95%E3%82%A3%E3%82%AB%E3%83 % AB% E3% 83% A6% E3% 83% BC% E3% 82% B6% E3% 82% A4% E3% 83% B3% E3% 82% BF% E3% 83% 95% E3% 82% A7 % E3% 83% BC% E3% 82% B9) applications and [AI](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BA%BA%E5%B7%A5%E7%9F%A5 % E8% 83% BD) is said to be very good at it.

What is classification?

How to make a template called class and make a real thing called an instance. It is implemented in many languages such as C ++, C #, Java, and Python, and you can create applications that are easy to see. For more information, see Object Oriented (https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%AA%E3%83%96%E3%82%B8%E3%82%A7%E3%82%AF% Please read E3% 83% 88% E6% 8C% 87% E5% 90% 91).

What is pygame

A collection of cross-platform Python modules designed for making video games, including a library for working with computer graphics and audio in Python. Pygame is built on top of the SDL library and is designed to allow real-time computer games to be developed without the use of low-level mechanisms like C. This is based on the assumption that most of the computationally intensive functions (mainly graphics processing) can be separated from the game logic itself, which allows high-level languages like Python to be used for game development. There is. Please read PYGAME for more information.

Sample script


import pygame,main,apng,OpenGL as lse,OpenGL.GL as lily 
from pygame.locals import * 

class CVak:
    #Underscore*Private at 2
    #__RenderName = None
    #__Scene = None
    #__FULLNESS = (22222,)Constant declaration(Uppercase tuple)Access is this.__FULLNESS[0]

    #constructor(Class initialization)
    def __init__(this):#This part is generally called self or this
        #Render target creation
        #exp/this(self).__RenderName = main.CvRender("Data\\name.png ",posx,posy)
        #this.__Scene = CvScene()
        pass#No need for anonymous functions like C that do nothing<-The interpreter will skip it.

    #Initialization process(every time)
    def init(this):

    #Update process when entering a key
    def UpdDwKey(this,key):
        #if key == K_Up:

    #Update processing at the time of key output
    def UpdUpKey(this,key):

    #Get mouse coordinates
    def MousePos(this,x,y):

    #Update process
    def Update(this):

    #Drawing process
    def Draw(this):

    #Music playback process pygame.mixer system
    def Music(this):

    #Game loop
    def GameLoop(this):
        if(False):#Does not activate
        #Color output on screen

    #End processing
    def finGame(this):


import pygame ,sys,OpenGL as GL
from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
import skeleton as sk

class Main:
    #Static variables
    #__SCRFLG = ((pygame.OPENGL|pygame.DOUBLEBUF),)When you need 3D
    __SCRFLG = (0,)#2D
    __ScreenHeight:int = 810
    __ScreenWidth:int = 931
    __GameFPS:int = 60
    __GameName:str = "Vgame"
    __wnd = pygame.display.set_mode((__ScreenWidth,__ScreenHeight),__SCRFLG[0]) 
    __game = None
    def quit():

    def Eventloop(event):
        if(event.type == pygame.QUIT):
        if(event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN):
            if(event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE):
        if(event.type == pygame.KEYUP):
        if(event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION):
            (x, y) = event.pos

    def GameMain():
        Main.__game = sk.CVak()
            for event in pygame.event.get():

    def Drawwnd(color):

    def getWndGet():
        return Main.__wnd
#main function
def main():

class CvRender:

    def __init__(this,path,x,y):
        this.path = path
        this.x = x
        this.y = y
        this.surf = pygame.image.load(this.path).convert_alpha()
    def getSizeGet(this):
        return (-this.surf.get_width(),-this.surf.get_height())

    def Draw(this):
    def DrawMiddle(this):

    def CutDraw(this,startx,starty,cutx,cuty):
    def Rev(this,bx,by):
        this.surf = pygame.transform.flip(this.surf,bx,by)

    def Scale(this,sx,sy):
        this.surf = pygame.transform.scale(this.surf,(sx,sy))

    def Rot(this,angle):
        this.surf = pygame.transform.rotate(this.surf.convert(),angle)

class HitsFlg():

    #Put width in posz
    def tri(pos1,pos2,h2):
        if(pos1.posx + pos1.posz <= pos2.posx 
           or pos1.posx >= pos2.posx + pos2.posz):
            return False
        elif(pos2.posy + h2 >= pos1.posy 
             or pos1.posy <= pos2.posy + h2):
            return False
            return True

    def yen(pos0,pos1):
        posx = pos1.x - pos0.x
        posy = pos1.y - pos0.y
        rad = pos1.z + pos0.z
        if(pow(posx,2) + pow(posy,2) 
           <= pow(rad,2)):
            return True
            return False

class CvPos():
    def __init__(this,posx,posy,Btwn):
        this.x = posx
        this.y = posy
        this.z = Btwn

class Cv3DPos():

    def __init__(this,posx:int,posy:int,posz:int,sizex = 0,sizey = 0):
        this.pos = (posx,posy,posz)
        this.size = (sizex,sizey,0)

    def location_in_view(this,adj_x, adj_y):
        """Coordinate calculation on 2D from 3D coordinates"""
        x2 = int((this.pos.x + adj_x * this.pos.y) / (this.pos.z/10 + 1)) + 200 - int(this.size.x * 0.5 / (this.pos.z/10 + 1))
        y2 = int((this.pos.y + adj_y * this.pos.z) / (this.pos.z/10 + 1)) + 150 - int(this.size.y * 0.5 / (this.pos.z/10 + 1)) 
        return (x2, y2)

    def size_in_view(this):
        """Size calculation on 2D from 3D coordinates"""
        s_x2 = int(this.size.x / (this.pos.z/10 + 1))
        s_y2 = int(this.size.y / (this.pos.z/10 + 1))
        return (s_x2, s_y2)

#Color definition
class CvCollor():
    def __init__(this,r,g,b):
        this.__red = r
        this.__green = g
        this.__blue = b
    def get(this):

#Color list(Expand your favorite color)
class Clist():
    #color= CvCollor(deep red,Green,Blue)
    White = CvCollor(255, 255, 255)
    Black = CvCollor(0, 0, 0)
    Green = CvCollor(0, 255, 0)
    Blue = CvCollor(0, 0, 255)
    Red = CvCollor(255, 0, 0) 
    Yellow = CvCollor(255, 255, 0)
    Purple = CvCollor(255, 0, 255)
    Skyblue = CvCollor(0, 255, 255)
    Orange = CvCollor(255, 180, 105)
    Blown = CvCollor(165, 42, 42)
    Pink = CvCollor(255, 0, 165)
    Silver = CvCollor(192, 192, 192)
    Lime = CvCollor(50, 205, 50)
    Virid = CvCollor(0, 137, 107)
    Coblue = CvCollor(0, 71, 171)
    Dblown = CvCollor(81, 31, 9)
    Greeny = CvCollor(17, 69, 20)

class Cvmoveflg():
    def __init__(this,upflg,dwflg,ltflg,rtflg):
        this.up = upflg
        this.down = dwflg
        this.left = ltflg
        this.right = rtflg

class CvFont():
    def __init__(this,name,size,collor):
        this.font = pygame.font.Font(name,size)
        this.collor = collor

    def UpdColor(this,collor):
        this.collor = collor

    def show(this,string,sd,x,y):

    def bcshow(this,string,sd,bc,x,y):

    def Font(this,collor):
        this.collor = collor
if __name__ == "__main__":

If you copy this whole

You should see a red screen with the title "vgame" with x = 931 and y = 810. If you create it from now on, you can easily create applications and games with music. We recommend that beginners of the program copy and paste. Start the program now. Once you have a script to create your application, read on.

A quick way to create an application

Open cmd.exe

[cmd.exe path]>> cd [pip path]
[pip path]>> pip install pyinstaller

Hit pyinstaller etc. are famous First of all, copy pyinstaller.exe to the path of the target application Open cmd.exe

[cmd.exe path]>> cd [The path of the desired application(Below G)]

And hit

[G]>> pyinstaller [main.Renamed from pyw].pyw [skeleton.Renamed from pyw].pyw --onefile --noconsole (--exclude pandas --exclude numpy)

Hit Then, I think that [renamed from main.pyw] .spec is created, so add "pygame" to the excludes item of a.

a.datas += Tree("[Python path]/Lib/site-packages/pygame/", prefix= "pygame")
a.datas += Tree("[Python path]/lib/xml/", prefix= "xml")

After deleting the __pycache__ and build and dist folders, return to cmd.exe

[G]>> pyinstaller [main.Renamed from pyw].spec [skeleton.Renamed from pyw].spec

If you type, the exe under dist will start successfully if the external data is not read. If it was read, it will succeed if it is brought over dist.


I want to use PyOpenGL. Still, I want to write a lot of articles.

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